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Fatimah Alghanem
Contact Information
- Email Fatimah Alghanem through OpenWetWare
- 1 LMU Drive, MSB-2283 Los Angeles, CA 90045
LMU Biology Department
- Major: Biology
- Expected Graduation Year: Fall 2020
- Upper division courses in biology, chemistry, math, and computer science that I have taken:
- BIOL 388: Biomathematical Modeling.
- BIOL 361: General Microbiology.
- BIOL 598: SS: Environ Stress Physio.
- BIOL 318: Principles of Ecology.
- BIOL 398: SS: Plants, Pharm & Medcn.
- CHEM 370: Biochemistry.
Career Interest
- I am interested in Medicine. Hopefully I plan to attend Med school but also before I proceed to do so I plan to get a Masters degree in either Biology or Health and Human Scinece.
Work Experience
Loyola Marymount University
Orientation Leader
- Dates: Summer 2017
- Responsibilities:
- Teaching the new transfer LMU students about LMU
- Helping them throughout orientation and their first few weeks in LMU
- Events planning and preparation
UCLA Volunteer
- Dates: Septemeber 2016- May 2017
- Responsibilities:
- Montioring cleanliness and recording whether cleansing protocol is followd properly or not.
- Helping Nurses.
- Responsibilities:
Personal Interests/ Hobbies
- swimming
- Art& Crafts
- Baking
- knitting
Favorite Aspect of Biology and Why
My favorite aspect of biology is learning about how human develope along with other organisms and how their growing influence one another. I enjoy learning about the human body and the details on how it functions.
Favorite Aspect of Computer Science and Why
I think My favorite aspect of computer science is programming languages even though I don't know how to do it but I find it very interesting.
BIOL 388 Weekly Assignments
Template:Falghane Fatimah Alghanem
- Weekly Assignments
- Journal Entries
- Class Journal
- Weekly Assignments
- Individual Journal Entries
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 2
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 3
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 4
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 5
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 6
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 7
- DrugComboDB Review
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 9
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 10
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 11
- The Mutants Research Project Week 12
- Fatimah Alghanem Journal Entry Week 14
- Class Journal
BIOL368/F20 BIOL368/F20:People
- Dr. Dahlquist gave me feedback on the assignment
- My partner Nathan R. Beshai helped me with the assignment.
- Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.
Falghane (talk) 19:15, 23 September 2020 (PDT)
- Dahlquist,k. & Fitzpatrick, B.G. (2019). Biomathematical Modeling Week 1 Assignment Page
- Denning, P. (2007). Computing is a Natural Science. Communications of the ACM, 50(7), 13-18.
- Denning, P. (2008). Voices of Computing. Communications of the ACM, 51(8), 19-21.
- Janovy, J. (2004). On Becoming a Biologist (2). Lincoln and London: University of Nebraska Press.