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Fatimah Alghanem

Contact Information


LMU Biology Department

  • Major: Biology
  • Expected Graduation Year: Fall 2020
  • Upper division courses in biology, chemistry, math, and computer science that I have taken:
    • BIOL 388: Biomathematical Modeling.
    • BIOL 361: General Microbiology.
    • BIOL 598: SS: Environ Stress Physio.
    • BIOL 318: Principles of Ecology.
    • BIOL 398: SS: Plants, Pharm & Medcn.
    • CHEM 370: Biochemistry.

Career Interest

  • I am interested in Medicine. Hopefully I plan to attend Med school but also before I proceed to do so I plan to get a Masters degree in either Biology or Health and Human Scinece.

Work Experience

Loyola Marymount University

Orientation Leader

  • Dates: Summer 2017
  • Responsibilities:
    • Teaching the new transfer LMU students about LMU
    • Helping them throughout orientation and their first few weeks in LMU
    • Events planning and preparation

UCLA Volunteer

  • Dates: Septemeber 2016- May 2017
    • Responsibilities:
      • Montioring cleanliness and recording whether cleansing protocol is followd properly or not.
      • Helping Nurses.


Fatimah Alghanem's Resume

Personal Interests/ Hobbies

  1. swimming
  2. Art& Crafts
  3. Baking
  4. knitting

Favorite Aspect of Biology and Why

My favorite aspect of biology is learning about how human develope along with other organisms and how their growing influence one another. I enjoy learning about the human body and the details on how it functions.

Favorite Aspect of Computer Science and Why

I think My favorite aspect of computer science is programming languages even though I don't know how to do it but I find it very interesting.

BIOL 388 Weekly Assignments


Template:Falghane Fatimah Alghanem

BIOL388/S19 BIOL388/S19:People


BIOL368/F20 BIOL368/F20:People


  1. Dr. Dahlquist gave me feedback on the assignment
  2. My partner Nathan R. Beshai helped me with the assignment.
  3. Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.

Falghane (talk) 19:15, 23 September 2020 (PDT)


Falghane (talk) 19:19, 23 September 2020 (PDT)