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It's very important to realise that we may not go through everything in class. Handouts remain the best guide to what is examinable. A better guide: past papers.
Chem2401/2911/2915, Semester 1 2018
All handouts will be on University of Sydney Blackboard.
Chem3111/3911, Semester 1 2018
The handouts are available below, but will also be available as PDFs on Blackboard.
Lecture 1 - Mat Todd's First 3x11 Lecture. Isomerism, conformational analysis, prochirality.
Lecture 2 - Mat Todd's Second 3x11 Lecture. Cycloalkanes, chairs, ring-flipping.
Lecture 3 - Mat Todd's Third 3x11 Lecture. Substituents on cyclohexanes, decalins, NMR spectra of these systems.
Lecture 4 - Mat Todd's Fourth 3x11 Lecture. Molecular orbitals, SN2, SN1, carbanion/radical intermediates.
Lecture 5 - Mat Todd's Fifth 3x11 Lecture. Neighbouring group participation.
Lecture 6 - Mat Todd's Sixth 3x11 Lecture. The SN2' mechanism.
Lecture 7 - Mat Todd's Seventh 3x11 Lecture. The opening of epoxides, the twist boat and trans diaxial substituents.
Lecture 8 - Mat Todd's Eighth 3x11 Lecture. The addition of bromine to double bonds.
Lecture 9 - Mat Todd's Ninth 3x11 Lecture. Addition of bromine to cyclic double bonds, and bromohydrin formation.
Lecture 10 - Mat Todd's Tenth 3x11 Lecture. Oxymercuration, hydroboration, dihydroxylation.
Lecture 11 - Mat Todd's Eleventh 3x11 Lecture. Eliminations.
Lecture 12 - Mat Todd's Twelfth 3x11 Lecture. Pericyclic reactions, and specifically electrocyclic reactions.
Lecture 13 - Mat Todd's Thirteenth 3x11 Lecture. Cycloadditions and sigmatropic rearrangements.
An Example Worked Answer to Illustrate Allocation of Marks
So there are old-style PDF handouts, for reference, but you should use the wiki pages which have more detail/description. Best thing to do, if you're worried about the exam, is to do past papers. If you want to change the wiki pages (students have done so), please go ahead, but you might want to just flag that with me so I can see what you've done.
Some sources/books:
There is a very nice online series of notes on pericyclic reactions from Tim Wallace (University of Manchester)
If you use Wikipedia, be aware it might be wrong. If it is, don't complain - fix it.