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the newsletter of Imperial College London iGEM 2006

Calendar To Do List Presentation Our Contributions Acknowledgments Resources

Project Discussion

Breaking News

>>>Major reorganisation of the WIKI underway:

  • need to populate part pages from existing documentation
  • need logos to present our projects: Oscillator, PoPs blocker, Biosensor
  • take care of orphaned pages found

>>>PRESENTATION during BioEng departmental seminar

  • October 25th, 16.30
  • room: 664, MechEng.

News Archive


Here you can view our top models - featuring world-renowned LV (Lotka-Volterra not Louis Vuitton) Design

These are the results of creative moments - the detailed design of the oscillator

The details of implementation - the parts for final assembly, parts for testing and creation of new parts

Just in case we finish our project early, we have a lot more things to work on, stage 2 and future developments...

Info on the Primers

How to do the least square curve fit on Matlab


Find out more about our hectic work schedule and plans for the future

Working in the Wetlab - all about our trials, successes and... failures

Info about our current lab status

Documents outlining how we intend to test our constructs can be found here

List of our protocols

Page containing all of the ligation details

We have data...lots and lots of data...


References to helpful and inspiring papers

Meetings in the journal clubs - papers and presentations

Everything you should really know when to tackle a problem in Synthetic Biology - Expand your knowledge about engineering concepts and biological systems when browsing through our collection of lecture notes

Essential links for iGEM 2006


  • Today's Mood Index: 4/10

So much to do and so little time to do it in...

Discuss issues with members of the team.

Celebrity Profile

<showhide> The Undergrads __HIDER__ <hide>

</hide></showhide> <showhide> Do you want to get to know the celebrities working on this project? Click the link above to learn more about all the members of I.CoLi 2006 (Imperial College London iGEM 2006)

The Advisors__HIDER__ <hide>

</hide></showhide> Even more celebrities are involved in this exciting project. Find out more with the link above

<showhide> Acknowledgements__HIDER__ <hide> Throughout the project, many people have helped us in various ways - we are very thankful for all their precious time & efforts spent to support iGEM at Imperial ! Special thanks to everyone on the Acknowledgements Page. </hide></showhide>


A summary of our highs and lows ... the brainstorming sessions and their outcomes

  • Location of our visitors

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Arts & Entertainment

The Imperial College iGEM team and instructors on the terrace of the Biochemistry building

Celebrity Quotes and more...

Featuring only the latest fashion and celebrities around Imperial College

Initial proposals for our logo

==Imperial iGEM==

List of abbreviations:
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9 September 2024

 m   18:30  Schumer lab: Commonly used workflows‎‎ 2 changes history +1,196 [Tododge‎ (2×)]
18:30 (cur | prev) −17 Tododge talk contribs (→‎Variant calling from long-read data)
18:27 (cur | prev) +1,213 Tododge talk contribs (→‎Variant calling from long-read data)
     12:50  UA Biophysics:Protocols:M9 (5x) 1L‎‎ 3 changes history +47 [Elizabeth Suesca‎ (3×)]
12:50 (cur | prev) +2 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs
12:49 (cur | prev) +22 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs
12:48 (cur | prev) +23 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs
     12:11  UA Biophysics:Protocols‎‎ 2 changes history −5 [Elizabeth Suesca‎ (2×)]
12:11 (cur | prev) 0 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs (→‎MEDIA)
12:10 (cur | prev) −5 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs (→‎MEDIA)
     12:09  UA Biophysics:Protocols:M9 Salts (5x) 1L diffhist −5 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs
N    12:01  UA Biophysics:Protocols:SCD Aminoacids (10x) 1L diffhist +393 Elizabeth Suesca talk contribs (Created page with "'''Specific amino acids and supplements (10X) 1L''' * 900 mL distilled water * L-Histidine: 200 mg * L-Leucine: 300 mg * L-Lysine: 300 mg * L-Methionine: 200 mg * L-Phenylalanine: 500 mg * L-Threonine: 2 g * L-Tryptophan: 200 mg * L-Tyrosine: 300 mg * L-Valine: 1.5 g * Uracil: 200 mg Fill the bottle with MilliQ until 1 L Store at 4°C Return to Protocols<br>")
N    01:14  Prepering a standard curve to quantify the total yeast‎‎ 5 changes history +375 [Insect Nutrition and Metabolism‎ (5×)]
01:14 (cur | prev) +4 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:13 (cur | prev) +342 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:13 (cur | prev) −1 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:12 (cur | prev) +1 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:11 (cur | prev) +29 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs (Created page with "Image:Standarde_curve.png")
     01:11  (Upload log) [Insect Nutrition and Metabolism‎ (2×)]
01:11 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs uploaded File:Standarde curve.png
01:04 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs uploaded File:PCR protocol.pdf
N    01:08  Preforming the PCR‎‎ 7 changes history +1,047 [Insect Nutrition and Metabolism‎ (7×)]
01:08 (cur | prev) +2 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
01:07 (cur | prev) −4 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:07 (cur | prev) +2 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:06 (cur | prev) +27 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
01:02 (cur | prev) +133 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
00:59 (cur | prev) +386 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
00:57 (cur | prev) +501 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs (Created page with "===Perform qPCR with 2X Hy-SYBR power mix (using a different kit requires protocol adjustments) on a 96-well plate=== * Prepare a separate mix for each primer you are using. The SYBR mix is very viscous, so always prepare extra mix (~ x1.2) and mix well * Primers for total yeast quantification: YEASTF (5-GAGTCGAGTTGTTTGGGAATGC-3); YEASTR (5-TCTCTTTCCAAAGTTCTTTTCATCTT T-3)[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/f0khsskz124gi5m7tvenu/Real-Time-Quantitative-PCR.pdf?rlkey=nd0jyn8...")
     00:06  Preparing the plate‎‎ 4 changes history +324 [Insect Nutrition and Metabolism‎ (4×)]
00:06 (cur | prev) +6 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
00:06 (cur | prev) +285 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
00:02 (cur | prev) +6 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
00:01 (cur | prev) +27 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs

8 September 2024

N    23:58  Preparing the plate‎‎ 2 changes history +172 [Insect Nutrition and Metabolism‎ (2×)]
23:58 (cur | prev) −1 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs
23:47 (cur | prev) +173 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs (Created page with "* First, plan your plate, then prepare your SYBR-primer mix, and dilute your DNA accordingly. * An example for a planned plate: Usually three technical triplicates are used.")
     23:58 Upload log Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs uploaded File:PCR plate example.pdf
     23:46  Laboratory for insect nutrition and metabolomics diffhist +112 Insect Nutrition and Metabolism talk contribs

6 September 2024

4 September 2024

     10:55  User:Gareth Trubl diffhist +54 Gtrubl talk contribs (→‎Professional development certificates)
     06:04  BioMicroCenter:NanoPore Library Prep‎‎ 5 changes history +1,144 [Shebert‎ (5×)]
06:04 (cur | prev) 0 Shebert talk contribs (→‎dsDNA: SQK-RBK114)
06:03 (cur | prev) +86 Shebert talk contribs (→‎dsDNA: SQK-NBD114)
06:02 (cur | prev) +1,058 Shebert talk contribs
06:00 (cur | prev) 0 Shebert talk contribs
06:00 (cur | prev) 0 Shebert talk contribs

3 September 2024

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