IGEM:IMPERIAL/2006/Ligation Page
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<bbpart>J37015</bbpart> (Final Prey Cell)
- <bbpart>F2620</bbpart> (6B) + <bbpart>J37034</bbpart>
- J37024 (insert), cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 1544 bp
- F2620 (6B) (vector), cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 1061 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 3140 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 2613 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Completed & Sequenced
J37015RS (Final Prey Cell with Riboswitch)
- <bbpart>F2620</bbpart> + (RS + <bbpart>J37034</bbpart>)
- Status: Completed (awaiting sequencing results)
<bbpart>J37016</bbpart> (Final Polycistronic Predator cell Test Construct)
- <bbpart>J37019</bbpart> + <bbpart>I13504</bbpart> (12D)
- I13504 (12D) (insert), cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 875 bp
- J37019 (vector), cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 862 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2)= 2941 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1745 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Completed & Sequenced
<bbpart>J37017</bbpart> (not necessary)
- <bbpart>J37031</bbpart> + <bbpart>R0062</bbpart> (9G)
- J37031 (insert), cut with EcoRI & SpeI, expected size = 957 bp
- R0062 (9G) (vector), cut with EcoRI & XbaI, expected size = 55 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2134 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1012 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Incomplete
<bbpart>J37019</bbpart> (For Predator Cell)
- <bbpart>R0062</bbpart> (9G) + <bbpart>J37033</bbpart>
- J37033 (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 862 bp
- R0062 (9G) (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 55 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2134 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 862 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Completed & Sequenced
<bbpart>J37020</bbpart> (Final monocistronic predator test construct)
- <bbpart>J37031</bbpart> + <bbpart>J37032</bbpart>
- J37032 (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 938 bp
- J37031 (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 957 bp + 3189 (pSB1AK3)= 4146 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1895 bp & 3189 bp (pSB1AK3)
- Status: J37020 with terminator B0015 has been completed (awaiting sequencing results) however, we are trying to religate this part using the B0014 terminator.
<bbpart>J37022</bbpart> (Final AiiA test construct)
- <bbpart>J04500</bbpart> (16P) + <bbpart>J37024</bbpart>
- J37024 (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 911 bp (on pSB1AK3 = 3189 bp)
- J04500 (16P) (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 220 bp + 3189 (pSB1AK3) = 3409 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1131 bp & 3189 bp (pSB1AK3)
- Status: Incomplete
<bbpart>J37023</bbpart> (for predator cell/test construct)
- AiiA with Immunotag
- Done by PCR
- Status: Complete (awaiting sequencing results)
- Expected Part Length = 816 bp
- Expected Vector Length = Unknown (Hanging T tail vector)
<bbpart>J37024</bbpart> (for AiiA predator cell/test construct)
- <bbpart>J37023</bbpart> + <bbpart>B0014</bbpart>
- J37023 (insert) cut with EcoRI & SpeI, expected size = 816 bp
- B0014 (1G) (vector) cut with EcoRI & XbaI, expected size = 95 bp + 3189 bp (pSB1AK3) = 3284 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 911 bp & 3189 bp (pSB1AK3)
- Status: Complete (not sequenced)
<bbpart>J37025</bbpart> (for AiiA predator cell)
- <bbpart>B0034</bbpart> (3O) + <bbpart>J37024</bbpart>
- J37024 (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 911 bp (on pSB1AK3 = 3189 bp)
- B0034 (3O) (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 12 bp + 2079 (pSB1A2) = 2091 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 923 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Incomplete
<bbpart>J37026</bbpart> (Cre/Lox Part Plasmid 1)
- Lox66 Part
- Part Size = 34 bp
- Has XbaI, SpeI, PstI, and EcoRI sites
- On Blunt ended hanging T tail plasmid
<bbpart>J37027</bbpart> (Final Cre/Lox Part Plasmid 1)
- To be made by PCR
- Part Size = 1127 bp
- See John Chattaway for details
<bbpart>J37028</bbpart> (Cre/Lox Part Plasmid 1)
- Lox71 Part
- Part Size = 34 bp
<bbpart>J37029</bbpart> (Cre/Lox Part Plasmid 2)
- Cre Part
- Part Size = 1032 bp
- Received, in fridge
- Chloramphenicol resistance
- Will destroy itself once we use it
<bbpart>J37030</bbpart> (not necessary)
<bbpart>J37031</bbpart> (For monocistronic predator test construct)
- <bbpart>J37019</bbpart> + <bbpart>B0014</bbpart> (1I), pLuxR + RBS + LuxR + Terminator
- J37019 (insert) cut with EcoRI & SpeI, expected size = 862 bp
- B0015 (vector) cut with XbaI & EcoRI, expected size = 95 bp + 3189 bp (pSB1AK3) = 3284 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 957 bp & 3189 bp (pSB1AK3)
- Status: Complete (not sequenced)
<bbpart>J37032</bbpart> (For monocistronic predator test construct)
- <bbpart>R0062</bbpart> (9G) + <bbpart>I13504</bbpart> (12D), pLuxR + RBS + GFP + Terminator
- I13504 (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 875 bp
- R0062 (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 55 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2134 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 938 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Complete
<bbpart>J37033</bbpart> (RBS + LuxR)
- <bbpart>B0034</bbpart> (3O) + <bbpart>C0062</bbpart> (7A)
- C0062 (7A) (insert) cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 756 bp
- B0034 (3O) (vector) cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 12 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2091 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 799 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Completed
<bbpart>J37034</bbpart> (For Prey Cell)
- <bbpart>C0261</bbpart> (24A) + <bbpart>I13504</bbpart> (12D)
- I13504 (12D) (insert), cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 875 bp
- C0261 (24A) (vector), cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 661 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2740 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1544 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Completed
<bbpart>J37035</bbpart> (Final Monocistronic Predator Cell)
- <bbpart>J37018</bbpart> + <bbpart>J37025</bbpart>
- J37025 (insert), cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 923 bp
- J37018 (vector), cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 1012 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 3141 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1953 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Incomplete
<bbpart>J37036</bbpart> (Final Polycistronic Predator Cell)
- <bbpart>J37019</bbpart> + <bbpart>J37025</bbpart>
- J37025 (insert), cut with XbaI & PstI, expected size = 923 bp
- J37019 (vector), cut with SpeI & PstI, expected size = 862 bp + 2079 bp (pSB1A2) = 2941 bp
- Miniprep sizes expected: 1785 bp & 2079 bp (pSB1A2)
- Status: Incomplete