BME100 f2013:Projects6

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Lab Write-Up 6

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Your Bayesian statistics work must be submitted via an online quiz at Blackboard. Do not post your answers in Lab Report 6. In order to access the quiz:

  1. Go to the BME100 Blackboard site
  2. Click Content (in the left menu), then the Quizzes folder, then Bayes Calculation Quiz for your section (AM or PM)
  3. You may attempt the quiz multiple times. The number of points you earn will be 10% of your individual Lab Report 6 score.
  4. You must complete the quiz by the Lab Report 6 due date. After that time, the quiz will be closed.

Wednesday, 9:00 AM

Due Wednesday, November 27, 9:00 AM.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10
Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15
Group 16 Group 17 Group 18

DNA Amplification and Measurement Results

pos = positive; neg = negative (no amplification)
Team's Conclusion - based on the median μg/mL value of three replicates and compared to positive and negative control PCR reactions
Expected - the "real answers", based on how the pre-mixed primer/template samples were set up by the instructor. If the Team's Conclusion matches the Expected outcome, then the procedure worked.

Team Patient ID Measured (ug/mL) Team's Conclusion Expected
AM 1 67618 0.60 0.65 0.61 incomplete pos
78379 0.62 0.60 0.73 incomplete pos
AM 2 56366 5.54 4.79 5.49 pos pos
86361 4.59 3.91 3.42 pos pos
AM 3 73190 7.62 7.89 7.788 pos pos
43566 8.16 10.62 11.1 pos pos
AM 4 89941 0.17 2.27 1.6 pos pos
59749 2.91 2.29 1.92 pos pos
AM 5 32298 7.20 9.40 8.4 incomplete pos
26685 7.50 7.20 9.2 incomplete neg
AM 6 88350 4.74 5.10 4.26 pos pos
65583 0.36 0.06 0.12 neg neg
AM 7 10939 18.60 -0.24 11.124 pos pos
57695 -1.39 -1.11 -1.13404 neg neg
AM 8 10072 1.80 1.80 1.8 pos pos
83576 -0.12 -0.09 -0.05 neg neg
AM 9 46398 11.53 10.03 7.989 pos pos
73945 -1.84 -1.846 -1.583 neg neg
AM 10 51225 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
60779 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete pos
AM 11 26317 -24.60 -23.18 -22.28 neg neg
63107 338.55 319.41 338.65 pos pos
AM 12 39526 1.59 0.93 2.44 neg neg
31856 11.14 12.60 14.29 pos pos
AM 13 26734 0.33 -1.08 -0.27 neg neg
22707 1.46 2.37 -1.88 pos pos
AM 14 16578 3.90 3.86 3.74 neg neg
25045 10.37 12.31 13.115 pos pos
AM 15 78086 12.66 8.64 8.05 no conclusion neg
32445 7.47 9.41 7.53 no conclusion neg
AM 16 28375 12.66 12.68 13.14 no conclusion neg
23170 0.86 0.92 0.97 no conclusion neg
AM 17 80926 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
83588 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
AM 18 34902 0.45 0.426 0.47 neg neg
39905 0.67 0.34 0.45 neg neg

Wednesday, 12:00 PM

Due Wednesday, November 27, 12:00 PM

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5
Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10
Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 Group 14 Group 15
Group 16 Group 17 Group 18

DNA Amplification and Measurement Results

pos = positive; neg = negative (no amplification)
Team's Conclusion - based on the median μg/mL value of three replicates and compared to positive and negative control PCR reactions
Expected - the "real answers", based on how the pre-mixed primer/template samples were set up by the instructor. If the Team's Conclusion matches the Expected outcome, then the procedure worked.

Team Patient ID Measured (ug/mL) Team's Conclusion Expected
PM 1 16946 2.36 -2.24 -4.22 neg pos
46296 34.49 75.12 64.7 pos pos
PM 2 43849 4.5284 8.1235 3.6237 pos pos
80853 7.4525 5.5804 9.739 neg pos
PM 3 77842 178.8 147.1 147.6 pos pos
26204 152.4 59.8 117.3 pos pos
PM 4 51917 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete pos
17539 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete pos
PM 5 40197 15.08 20.58 20.61 pos pos
90029 -8.77 -9.05 -11.15 neg neg
PM 6 47569 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete pos
67318 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
PM 7 92069 5.56 3.86 2.92 pos pos
27677 0.83 -0.27 -1.03 neg neg
PM 8 21489 15.24 20.76 20.28 pos pos
90434 4.08 7.08 4.44 neg neg
PM 9 90616 56.94 44.68 58.66 pos pos
91514 5.14 4.44 2.1 neg neg
PM 10 74963 -1.08 -0.62 -0.93 neg neg
97208 7.79 6.62 7.01 pos pos
PM 11 54764 17.6 7.05 9.5 neg neg
51843 14.43 13.47 18.54 pos pos
PM 12 40908 -4.04 -1.52 -1.7 neg neg
51602 72.92 52.02 34.09 pos pos
PM 13 31526 -2.592 -6.876 -3.156 neg neg
36055 45.96 45.36 45.12 pos pos
PM 14 30337 271.3 7 257.5 neg neg
57707 1276.18 5611.1 1452 pos pos
PM 15 29108 11.88 10.38 12.06 neg neg
9.36 8.58 7.26 neg neg
PM 16 41731 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
78042 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
PM 17 37638 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
55609 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
PM 18 54174 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg
43184 incomplete incomplete incomplete incomplete neg

Scoring Rubric

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