Karina Alvarez Week 7
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Research Presentation Preparations
Assignment: Your Week 7 individual journal entry will consist of your electronic laboratory notebook containing your notes on this project and your preparations for the research presentation (see below). Each student will complete his or her own electronic lab notebook on their individual journal page for this week.
- First, Natalie and and I met to create a plan for completing the project.
- We began our project with an analysis of the steady state, which can be found here.
- We ensured that we had a complete understanding of the nitrogen metabolism pathway by reviewing our notes and reading literature.
- We then created the powerpoint.
- We read Dr. Dahlquist's Guidelines for an effective presentation and modeled the bare bones of the slideshow after this.
- We then made a rough draft of the content on each slide.
- We had to shift around some of the slides so that they followed a more cohesive order.
- Next, we added more depth to the slides than the minimal text that was previously on it, but not so much text that it was overwhelming.
- Once the content was completed and the presentation was created, Natalie and I polished our presentation.
- We reviewed the powerpoint for errors added presentation notes.
- We then practiced our presentation a few times and timed ourselves.
- Lastly, we printed out notes for the slides to review for the presentation in class.
Nitrogen Metabolism in Yeast Cells Presentation
Model Dynamics
Model Script
Helpful Links
BIOL398-04/S15:Week 5
BIOL398-04/S15:Class Journal Week 5
Karina Alvarez Main Page: Karina Alvarez
Math 388-01 Course Page: BIOL398-04/S15
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