Karina Alvarez Week 12
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Lab Notebook
Wild type S. cerevisiae
- How many factors are green or significant?
- Only one transcription factor is significant (green).
- ARR1 was signficant
- % in user set: 41.05
- % in YEASTRACT: 2.44%
- p value: 0.000014729208160
- CSE2 and UPC2 were "borderline significant" (yellow).
- Are CIN5, GLN3, HMO1, or ZAP1 on the list?
- None of these are on the list of significant transcription factors.
- List of significant transcription factors to be used for gene regulatory network:
- ARR1
Significant genes for S. paradoxus
- There were ~350 TFs in Natalie's strain (S. paradoxus), and 41 of them were green in the YEASTRACT analysis. From this, we selected the following for further analysis:
- ACE2
- HAP1
- SWI3
- TUP1
- MGA2
- CYC8
- SNF7
- CIN5
- GLN3
- HMO1
- ZAP1
- Note: CLN5, GLN3, HMO1, ZAP1 are all on the list
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