Desireegonzalez Week 10

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  • The purpose of this homework assignment is to download MATLAB onto my personal computer and then use the Lynda MATLAB tutorials to learn how to properly use the program to run statistical tests.


  1. I downloaded the MATLAB Program onto my personal computer by following the instructions on ITS MATLAB installation page.
  2. I then went to lynda MATLAB tutorial to view videos (for about an hour) spanning from the Introduction to MATLAB to the end of Chapter 4 on Data Representations.
    • In order to complete the exercises in the videos, I had to use the following data file: (
  3. Lastly, I zipped my MATLAB files in order to be able to upload them onto Openwetware.

MATLAB Files Created

  • The files within this zipped folder include: MyFirstScript.m, LetsLoop.m, and PlotTime.m.



  • In conclusion, this weekly assignment was useful in getting me accustomed to using basic MATLAB functions. I was able to successfully create the specified files by following the instructions within the videos.


Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source. Desireegonzalez (talk) 22:30, 3 April 2019 (PDT)


Dahlquist, K. & Fitzpatrick, B.G. (2019, March 26). BIOL388/S19:Week 10. Retrieved from on 3 April 2019.

MATLAB (Version R2014b) [Computer software]. (n.d.). Retrieved 2 April 2019.

Moser, S. (2018, April 16).Learning MATLAB: From LinkedIn. Accessed From:lynda MATLAB tutorial on 3 April 2019.

Below are the links to all the Assignments and Journal Entries of the Spring 2019 Semester.

User Page: user:desireegonzalez

Template Page: template:desireegonzalez

Weekly Assignment Pages:

  1. Week 1
  2. Week 2
  3. Week 3
  4. Week 4
  5. Week 5
  6. Week 6
  7. Week 7
  8. Week 9
  9. Week 10
  10. Week 11
  11. Week 12
  12. Week 15

Individual Journal Entry Pages:

  1. desireegonzalez Week 1
  2. desireegonzalez Week 2
  3. desireegonzalez Week 3
  4. desireegonzalez Week 4/5
  5. desireegonzalez Week 6
  6. desireegonzalez Week 7
  7. desireegonzalez Week 9
  8. desireegonzalez Week 10
  9. desireegonzalez Week 11
  10. desireegonzalez Week 12
  11. desireegonzalez Week 15

Shared Journal Pages:

  1. Shared Journal Week 1
  2. Shared Journal Week 2
  3. Shared Journal Week 3
  4. Shared Journal Week 4
  5. Shared Journal Week 5
  6. Shared Journal Week 6
  7. Shared Journal Week 7
  8. Shared Journal Week 9
  9. Shared Journal Week 10
  10. Shared Journal Week 11
  11. Shared Journal Week 12
  12. Shared Journal Week 14/15