BME100 s2016:Projects2

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Lab 2: “Adding to the Toolbox: Using Statistics”

Since you did such a great job designing the experiment last week, Kristen leaves the data analysis up to you guys! She ran two experiments. The first experiment was completed in rats and Kristen thinks the LPS treatment increased Inflammotin protein levels as anticipated. She did a second experiment in elderly people at her grandmother’s retirement center. Over the weekend, she ran an ELISA to measure Inflammotin protein levels in both experiments (blood samples). (The Excel sheet containing the data is available on Blackboard.)

1. Calculate the descriptive statistics for both data sets.
2. Analyze the data to determine whether there was any effect of LPS on inflammation in rats or people.
3. Graph your results.
4. Write a summary of your results including any conclusions you have made from your analysis.

HW: Lab Report 2 due 2/2/16 at 11:59PM through OpenWetWare

Grading Scheme:
5 points – Descriptive statistics describing the data set
10 points – Graphing with labels and error bars
25 points – Inferential statistics (Are there differences between the groups?)
10 points - Summary
50 points – Peer Evaluation

Please see Blackboard for data and grading rubric.

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