BIOL368/S20:Class Journal Week 10
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Madeleine King
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- One core competency I am familiar with is data visualization. By taking multiple chemistry and biology labs in college, it has helped me to determine which method is best to visualize data (graphs, table, figures, etc). I am somewhat familiar with data conversion and interoperability: I know the different between common data formats and how to convert some of them. I learned this just throughout the years in highschool and college with assignments.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- One core competency I want to know about is data curation and re-use. It seems like a simple concept to reuse data but it is not and requires certain skills and awareness to know how to do it well. I also want to know more about quality assurance to decide which data I want to use and to know the difference between good and bad data sets.
Mking44 (talk) 14:39, 30 March 2020 (PDT)
Jenny Chua
Scientific Data Literacy Core Competencies
- Name two of these core competencies you are most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you). Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- The two competencies I am most familiar with are Data Visualization and Ethics (citation of data). Throughout my various STEM classes both in high school and at LMU, we've discussed best ways to present sets of data (bar graph, scatter plot, pie chart, etc.), so I feel like I have a fairly good understanding of that. I've also spent a good amount of time in lots of classes learning how to properly cite my sources and use search engines, for example, to find "good" datasets to use in an assignment.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about. Why?
- Data Management and Organization seems like it would be pretty foundational to understanding databases, as that is where one learns the "lifecycle of data," which I have a limited understanding of as is. I also think Cultures of Practice would be something of note as well; it seems like an interdisciplinary concept, and I'd be interested ot learn about the norms between cultures or groups of people surrounding data curation.
COVID-19 Questions
- Is the virus mutating as it continues to spread? If not, why not?
- What is making this coronavirus so much deadlier than others (in terms of genetic makeup)?
- What is different in this strain than that found in bats? Found in pangolins?
Jennymchua (talk) 09:20, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Annika Dinulos
- Name two of these core competencies you are most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you). Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- Core competencies that I am most familiar with are Data Analysis and Ethics. LMU has taught me different ways of manipulating raw data to draw meaningful conclusions and analyze trends within data to accept or reject a hypothesis. Additionally, LMU has taught me to respect information and data given to me, and to always give a reference/cite information that isn't mine. I understand the repercussions for not doing so, and how it is ethically right to respect original authors for their work.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about. Why?
- I would like to know more about Data Preservation, especially since technology is continually evolving, how are we continuing to preserve data, and with data that is particularly old, how are we transitioning that data to best accommodating modern practices for acquiring and using data. Also, I would like to know more about Quality Assurance, since I generally assume that data within databases is usually of good quality. I know this isn't always the case, but can people identify good data from bad, and what procedures manage that within databases?
Adinulos (talk) 20:10, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Maya Paniagua
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar? Data analysis and ethics are probably the two competencies I am most familiar with. I gained these competencies, working in a research lab at LMU and having to read through data to understand what would be the desired outcome of an experiment and making sure I cite those experiments when discussing where certain parameters, conditions, results either supporting or conflicting came from.
- Name two of these competencies that you want to know more about? Why?-Databases and data formats, because I am only familiar with the limited databases I have used in previous classes and this Week's assignment opened by eyes to the 1000s of databases that exist and can help me in my research and quality assurance because I do not have the skillset at this moment to know if something is accurate or not and I want to make sure data I am presenting is reflective of what is true.
Mpaniag1 (talk) 16:06, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Karina Vescio
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- I would say that I am most skilled in Data Visualization and Quality Assurance. Throughout my years at LMU as a STEM major, I have learned a lot about how to interpret scientific data through visualizations including graphs and charts. I have also learned a lot about how to determine the quality of research/data. I would say that most of my quality assurance knowledge actually came from what I have learned in this class thus far.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- I would like to learn more about Data Conversion and Interoperability, because I have little knowledge on how to transfer data from one database to another, and how to change the formatting. I would also like to better my skills in Data Analysis, because I feel as though one can never be too good at analysis. I also would like to learn more about how to use specific tools in order to analyze data.
(Kvescio (talk) 18:58, 1 April 2020 (PDT))
Jack Menzagopian
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- Data Analysis - I'm pretty comfortable with being able to look at data, evaluate it, and use apply it to achieve what I need it to just from doing that both in and out of classes
- Data Visualization - I'm pretty comfortable with being able to take data and present it in a way that is understandable after doing it so many times in labs
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- Quality Assurance - Making sure that the data I'm using is of good quality is something that is very important because I don't want to be misinformed and I don't want to spread misinformation, and I don't like I have a good enough of an ability to be able to decide if data is good or not
- Data Conversion and Interoperabilty - I feel like being able to move data from one format to another would be a very helpful tool, especially as technology is being integrated more into the storing and sharing of data
Drew Cartmel
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- Two of these core competencies that I am most skilled with and that are the most familiar to me are data preservation and ethics. I became familiar with the core competency of data preservation because I recently served on the executive board of LMU EMS as the secretary, where my job was to record all of the patient data and information about different calls that the EMTs responded to on campus into an excel spreadsheet. This job gave me the chance to appreciate the importance of organizing and inputting data so that it could be reliably used as a reference in the future. I am familiar with the core competency of ethics because all through my college career as a Biology major, every formal paper that I have written has included citations to the references that were utilized in writing them and I have been well informed on the importance of properly recognizing the work of others to ensure that no plagiarism takes place.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- I would like to know more about the core competencies of quality assurance and the discovery and acquisition of data. I would like to know more about quality assurance because I think that being able to recognize errors or false representations in data sets would be a very useful skill to have in my future science career because it can help me determine if certain sources are more reliable than others. I would also like to know more about discovery and acquisition of data because being able to identify reliable data sources more efficiently would be helpful to me in writing research papers in the future.
Dcartmel (talk) 21:27, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Nicholas Yeo
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- Two of the core competencies that are the most familiar to me are Discovery and Acquisition of Data and Ethics, including citation of data. Taking classes and labs at LMU has taught me how to write papers more effectively; a large part of this is knowing how and where to find good data. This includes distinguishing between which data is not accurate or up-to-date and which are. In middle school, I was taught how to write a research paper, which included cited sources with footnotes and a References page. At that time, I became familiar with MLA and APA format and how to give credit where credit is due.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- Two competencies that I would like to know more about are Data Management and Organization and Data curation and Re-use because while these two are essential in the data life cycle, but I do not know that much about the cycle. In fact, the curation of data is not something that I have thought about previously.
Nyeo2 (talk) 22:11, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Christina Dominguez
- One core competency that I am familiar with is quality assurance. In the Biological Databases course that I took last semester, this was my job for the final project. I was able to focus mostly on screening procedures which allowed me to become familiar with it. The other core competency that I am familiar with is Data visualization. Taking multiple stats class in college, they emphasized how to present data in the best way based on the variables. I believe I have a good grasp on it.
- I want to know more about discovery and acquisition of data as well as cultures of practice. These two relate in being able to locate usable data and how to correctly use this data. I want to know more about this in order to know that I am using "good" data that is good to further evaluate and manage.
Cdominguez (talk) 21:55, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Nathan On
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- I am most familiar with "Discovery and Acquisition of Data" and "Data Analysis" through my exposure in classes, where I have performed statistical analyses as well found different ways to find meaning a collection of data. I have had practice in importing data and formatting data for analysis in Excel.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- I would like to learn more about "Metadata" and "Quality Assurance." While I have heard the term metadata and know its general purpose and meaning, I do not really know its relation to databases. I would like to learn more about quality assurance to better utilize data, knowing that the data is complete and error-free.
Non (talk) 22:03, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Sahil Patel
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar? I am most skilled at Data Analysis and Data Visualization as I have taken many classes that focused on both these competencies.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why? I want to know more about Data curation as well as Data Conversion & Interoperability since both these tangible skills seemed to be great assets in the world of databases, specifically those with secondary data sources.
Sahil Patel (talk) 23:15, 1 April 2020 (PDT)
Carolyn Egekeze
- Name two of these core competencies are you most skilled with (or which is most familiar to you)? Where and how did you gain the skills/become familiar?
- Two of the core competencies I am familiar with are data analysis and discovery and acquisition of data. I became familiar with these skills when I took upper-division lab classes and began doing undergraduate research.
- Name two of these core competencies that you want to know more about? Why?
- I would like to learn more about data visualization and cultures of practice because I think as data becomes a bigger part of our scientific and regular lives, it is important to know how to effectively share data and communicate findings with others.