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This page lists the people involved in 20.109 for Fall 2014.
- Bevin Engelward (M1)
- Natalie Kuldell (M2)
- Angela Belcher (M3)
- Shannon Hughes (T/R section)
- Agi Stachowiak(W/F section)
- Noreen Lyell (T/R section)
Writing instructors
Oral presentation instructors
Teaching assistants
- Isaak Mueller (M1)
- YongJin Park (M2)
- Tahoura Samad (M3)
Add a link to your page by typing the name of your user page between double brackets
Tuesday/Thursday lab section
- Deniz C. Aksel
- Melodi Anahtar
- Kathryn Brink
- Michael C. Chen
- Laura Kelley
- Alexander S. Lim
- Rebecca Luoh
- Alyssa Pybus
- Rafa Rahman
- Katharina Ross
- Jessica Sandoval
- Jordan A. Smith
- Victoria L. Wei
- Justin Yuan
- Kyle Yuan