Nyeo2 Week 4

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The purpose of this assignment is to recognize global myths about AIDS and its impact on society. To these, we learn the objective truths and what is currently being done in relation to each.

Assignment Outline

Myth 9: Nothing To Gain

  • Myth - There is nothing in it for people from wealthy countries to help out in the fight against AIDS because they are not as at risk, and because of this, they prioritize the cause less.
  • At this time, there is so much movement of people and goods that disease transmission is a constant and increasing threat.
  • Wealthy countries rely on resources from developing countries, so a global implication of policy and surveillance will be beneficial to both parties.
  • Without helping countries that have a high rate of AIDS contractibility, there is a greater likelihood for the spread of the disease, which could eventually affect the countries to which infected individuals travel to.
  • Controlling the AIDS epidemic will benefit countries economically because the disease can affect company productiveness and profitability.
  • AIDS can ravage less-developed countries, compromising many industries that have a major impact on the nation as a whole. For example, in America, we greatly value the police force and are grateful for their service, but in Kenya, instead of officers protecting civilians, three-fourths of all deaths in the force are to AIDS.
  • AIDS is a threat to the security of a nation, as it threatens citizens, soldiers, and those in countries with which there are important social and political connections.
  • In countries where there are more risk of disease, there is usually more political unrest.
  • The right to treatment and prevention of HIV/AIDS can be likened to basic human rights. It would be a violation of these rights to not assist impoverished populations.
  • Those who do not have access to medication or treatment for disease are essentially left to die. They do not have a choice; they cannot simply begin to be able afford what they need.

Myth 10: Nothing We Can Do

  • Myth - Middle class citizens who live in wealthy countries cannot do much to help combat AIDS in poorer countries.
  • The epidemic just seems too widespread and treatment out of reach.
  • Solution to this is to recognize what has been done to promote the treatment of the crisis and familiarize ourselves with what can be done.
  • To gain traction, activists drew attention by protesting and becoming proficient in the medical language so that they could build rapport with people in power.
  • Activists were normal people, and they were able to accomplish a tremendous amount globally. This shows that participation in the fight can and should be considered.
  • Medical workers are not the only people who can aid; those with knowledge of finance, education, and other fields can tend to the social, political, and economic side.
  • A vaccine seems to be the best way to treat AIDS, and they cannot come into reality unless they are tested clinically. This is one way those without training can get involved in research.
  • Creating or joining organizations that can appeal to multiple groups, or even the masses, is a great way to build a platform for further action.
  • Two more ways to get involved are to participate in political lobbying and raising money.
  • Collective passion towards the cause will make a difference while lackluster care will not. It is up to us whether we want a difference, even though it cannot be readily seen.


This assignment showed that AIDS has multiple global myths that threaten the fight against the disease. There is a false notion that those in privileged countries have nothing to gain and nothing we can do to fight against the AIDS crisis. However, helping to fight against AIDS in impoverished countries can protect against political and economic detriments around the world. Furthermore, there are so many ways that the normal person can get involved to make a change.


  • I texted Jenny Chua to discuss how we could revise our discussion question from last week, as well as to talk about the readings.
  • I used the citation for the Week 4 assignment page.
  • I followed the protocol on the assignment page for this week.
  • Except for what is noted above, this individual journal entry was completed by me and not copied from another source.

Nyeo2 (talk) 22:08, 12 February 2020 (PST)
