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the newsletter of Imperial College London iGEM 2006
Calendar Lab Notebook Testing Lab Status Photos Resources

Breaking News


The prey cells are waiting to be attacked - (14 Aug 2006)

After a series of challenging ligations, the first major breakthrough in the Wetlab has been achieved: The prey cells have been completed and their genetically engineered sequence has now been verified - with confirmation from gel electrophoresis and sequencing.
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Read About CRE-LOX File:Redoing Cre2.doc <showhide>

A visit to Cambridge - iGEM teams from the UK meet to share their experience - (26 July 2006)

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On a hot and sunny day, the I.CoLi team met early in the morning at King's Cross Station, London. You might wonder about the destination: CAMBRIDGE.
On 24/25 July 2006, Cambridge University hosted the first UK iGEM meeting. The teams from Edinburgh and Imperial College visited Cambridge and all three iGEM teams exchanged their experience and ideas from the first weeks as well as taking part in a "mystery challenge" ...

Shortly before lunch, the I.CoLi team met with the Cambridge team and after being shown through the Wetlabs at Cambridge, both teams had a picnic together outside. Instantly, everyone got caught up in talks and so time flew by until the arrival of the team from Edinburgh (whose train unfortunately broke down half-way during their journey).
To get to know more about the different projects each team was working on, presentations were given, followed by short discussions. It was very interesting to see that on the one hand, a common structure could be seen in all team's approaches to their particular idea but on the other hand, the ways of handling a problem or distribution of tasks/organization within a team could differ remarkably.

As a special highlight of the day, iGEM instructors prepared a "mystery challenge": The task for this challenge was to build a boat in 60min. - the fastest boat crossing the river would win! After an hour of intensive work, 5 brilliant boats were ready to go! Despite the promising-looking designs none of the boats succeeded in crossing the river in the end. The best boat, however, went a significant distance along the river (against the currents!) but was never seen again.

The eventful day ended with a cheerful dinner in the city of Cambridge.

A big thanks to Cambridge for hosting the UK iGEM meeting and making it a memorable iGEM day!

Pictures from UK iGEM meeting in Cambridge

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Innovative Ideas emerging in new field of Synthetic Biology - (20 July 2006)

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AFTER a week of brainstorming and research, the I.CoLi team suddenly appeared with promising ideas in building a new system from standard biological parts. Three main ideas cristallized among the group of young people, which are being pursued further:

  1. Oscillator (based on Predator Prey dynamics)
  2. BioClock
  3. BioCD

Special emphasis is being put on the first idea and the past days have been spent on modelling (see Fashion section), further development in the Wetlab (see Science section) and on assembling and designing new parts (see Fashion section).

Further our idea, the I.CoLi team presented their project at Cambridge University on 24 July 2006. The presentation can be found here. A big thank you goes to the Cambridge iGEM team for hosting us!



Here you can view our top models - featuring world-renowned LV (Lotka-Volterra not Louis Vuitton) Design

These are the results of creative moments - the detailed design of the oscillator

The details of implementation - the parts for final assembly, parts for testing and creation of new parts

Just in case we finish our project early, we have a lot more things to work on, stage 2 and future developments...


Working in the Wetlab - all about our trials, successes and... failures

Info about our current lab status

Find out more about our hectic work schedule and plans for the future

Documents outlining how we intend to test our constructs can be found here

List of our protocols


References to helpful and inspiring papers

Meetings in the journal clubs - papers and presentations

Everything you should really know when to tackle a problem in Synthetic Biology - Expand your knowledge about engineering concepts and biological systems when browsing through our collection of lecture notes

Essential links for iGEM 2006


  • Today's Mood Index: 10/10

We loved the chance to spend extra time on iGEM at the weekend. It was groovy!

  • Meeting the Cambridge and Edinburgh team was a great morale booster - it really fit the spirit of the iGEM competition...Cambridge was beautiful, and the people were great...

Celebrity Profile

<showhide> The Undergrads __HIDER__ <hide>

</hide></showhide> <showhide> Do you want to get to know the celebrities working on this project? Click the link above to learn more about all the members of I.CoLi 2006 (Imperial College London iGEM 2006)

The Advisors__HIDER__ <hide>

</hide></showhide> Even more celebrities are involved in this exciting project. Find out more with the link above


A summary of our highs and lows ... the brainstorming sessions and their outcomes

  • Location of our visitors

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Arts & Entertainment

First day in the Wetlab

Celebrity Quotes and more...

Featuring only the latest fashion and celebrities around Imperial College