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The BioGang is an informal, distributed collection of geeky life scientists who have come together to try and think of cool problems and ideas that can be solved collaboratively. While many of us are informaticians and modelers, the Gang welcomes all comers. We have a variety of backgrounds and experiences but all share a love of science, openness and belief in the power of the web to enable distributed collaboration and community. Neil Saunders summed our approach and attitude up very well.

"A biogang characteristic: lack of respect for institutional boundaries and restrictions?"

The BioGang was created following a blog post, partially inspired by the ideafactory blog (Via a thread on the six hour startup google group

Unless otherwise stated content of the BioGang is shared under an CC-BY license and projects are likely to be open source and shared on an appropriate code repository (e.g. Google Code or GitHub)

News: Many members of The BioGang were involved in the new book Beautiful Data: The story behind elegant data solutions


Some of the core concepts driving The BioGang are discussed below.

What is "Bursty Work"?

In the context of this Wiki, the "Burst Work" concept was inspired by a tweet by Chris Messina. He said

It just dawned on me that startups are obsolete. Sustainable, distributed bursty work is the future.

The idea is that a group of smart people can come together to start projects. These people can be spread out around the corners of the globe, working to get a project to a stage when it could be passed on to someone else or carried forward if that's the best way forward. That philosophy is sorely missing from the world of computational life science, and the hope is that this wiki will serve as a catalyst for such projects

What is an "Idea Factory"?

The concept of an idea factory in the context of bursty work is to build a collective of people and harness their collective intelligence. The days of think tanks like those at Bell Labs or PARC are long gone, but the internet allows us to bring together loosely coupled groups of people.



External Links

Recent Changes

Recent updates to the lab wiki

List of abbreviations:
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12 February 2025

     20:58  User:Jernej Turnsek diffhist −4 Jernej Turnsek talk contribs
     14:42  Schumer lab:General‎‎ 3 changes history −109 [Schumer‎ (3×)]
14:42 (cur | prev) 0 Schumer talk contribs (→‎General information)
14:41 (cur | prev) +16 Schumer talk contribs (→‎General information)
14:36 (cur | prev) −125 Schumer talk contribs (→‎General information)
     14:39  Altman‎‎ 2 changes history 0 [David Altman‎ (2×)]
14:39 (cur | prev) 0 David Altman talk contribs Tag: Manual revert
14:38 (cur | prev) 0 David Altman talk contribs
N    12:58  Schumer lab: HSV transduction diffhist +3,084 Schumer talk contribs (Created page with "HSV transduction in Xiphophorus primary embryo cells Last updated April 2024 A few days before transduction: Passage cells into the plates/flask you’d like to use and maintain until 70-80% confluency. Make sure to passage at least 24 hours prior to transduction to avoid stressing the cells as much as possible. I will try to seed around 100k cells in a few wells of a 12 well plate and let them grow for a few days before infection Day of transduction: 1. Treat cell...")
N    12:51  Schumer lab: Electroporation‎‎ 2 changes history +588 [Schumer‎ (2×)]
12:51 (cur | prev) +72 Schumer talk contribs
12:49 (cur | prev) +516 Schumer talk contribs (Created page with "To electroporate using 100 uL tips: Dissociate and count 600k cells. Pellet and resuspend in 120 uL buffer R. Add 2.4 ug plasmid and mix. Draw up 100uL in the electroporation tip, being careful to avoid bubbles. (Bubbles will cause electrical arcs and kill the cells) This allows for 20 uL overage so that 500k cells and 2 ug plasmid to be in the tip. Electroporate at 1400v, 20ms and 2 pulses. Dispense tip into a flask with regular media + ROCKi. Change media the next d...")
     12:40  Schumer lab:Wet lab/Sequencing diffhist +106 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Cell culture)
     11:53  Schumer lab: Download data to Sherlock from Admera‎‎ 9 changes history +1,079 [Schumer‎ (9×)]
11:53 (cur | prev) +89 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with FileZilla (External hard-drive needed))
11:52 (cur | prev) +188 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with FileZilla)
11:48 (cur | prev) +823 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with FileZilla)
11:29 (cur | prev) 0 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with ftp)
11:08 (cur | prev) +214 Schumer talk contribs
10:36 (cur | prev) −354 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with ftp)
10:23 (cur | prev) +48 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with ftp)
10:22 (cur | prev) +46 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with ftp)
10:04 (cur | prev) +25 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Download data with ftp)
     11:25  Schumer lab:Github and bioinformatics wiki‎‎ 4 changes history +18 [Schumer‎ (4×)]
11:25 (cur | prev) +18 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Bioinformatics topics)
10:56 (cur | prev) −132 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Bioinformatics topics) Tag: Manual revert
10:55 (cur | prev) +18 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Bioinformatics topics)
10:54 (cur | prev) +114 Schumer talk contribs (→‎Bioinformatics topics)
 m   09:57  Schumer lab: Lab group on Sherlock diffhist +506 Tododge talk contribs (→‎Lab organization on Sherlock)

11 February 2025

10 February 2025

8 February 2025

7 February 2025

     16:17  CHIP:Talks diffhist −3 Gabor Balazsi talk contribs
     06:01  Lee:Lab Members‎‎ 4 changes history −8 [Wooin Lee‎ (4×)]
06:01 (cur | prev) −20 Wooin Lee talk contribs (→‎Alumni)
05:59 (cur | prev) 0 Wooin Lee talk contribs (→‎Alumni)
05:59 (cur | prev) +1 Wooin Lee talk contribs (→‎Alumni)
05:58 (cur | prev) +11 Wooin Lee talk contribs (→‎Graduate students)

6 February 2025

     15:47  Schumer lab: Commonly used workflows diffhist +130 Schumer talk contribs (→‎For first time use)
     09:13  BIOL388/S25 diffhist +125 Kam D. Dahlquist talk contribs (→‎Schedule: update schedule and readings)

New Members

Please add

  • [[Category:Biogang_members]]
  • [[Category:User YOUR_COUNTRY]]

at the bottom of your user profile.