OpenWetWare:Steering Committee v2

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This is an in progress version for the SC page -- please add anything that you think is missing]] the old version can be found here.

The OpenWetWare Steering Committee is charged with leading the future direction of OpenWetWare. The steering committee is open to all OWW members, and we are actively seeking participants. Please subscribe to the discuss list if you'd like to participate.

Action Items for this month

  • Reddit trial. (cumbers, lucks)
  • Make "Edit Sidebar" button for customization. (austin?)
    • Jasonk 14:02, 3 September 2006 (EDT): I think we can just have this link be on the sidebar by default: edit your sidebar
  • Vote on front page! (everyone)
  • Finalize infrastructure strategy (Ilya, Sri, Jason)
    • Jasonk 13:53, 3 September 2006 (EDT):Going with, waiting for MIT to approve the PO.
  • Look over and comment on the list of SC goals.

Suggested items for next SC meeting

Please post any topics you would like the SC to consider at the next meeting -- you don't need to be on the committee to post something here!

  • Jasonk 17:23, 4 September 2006 (EDT): Make it easy to make an OWW page compliant with postgenomic so it can get aggregated there.
  • Jasonk 17:28, 4 September 2006 (EDT): Statistics and survey guru. Might want to have someone who keeps an eye on trends on the site. this could range from surveys of people are using the site as was suggested previously, to looking over site analytics (which will come with new hosting service), or to just tracking site statistics (number of users, number of labs, etc). This sort of information could help the SC make more informed decisions.
  • Reshma 10:12, 5 September 2006 (EDT): I've been trying to work on a tutorial on how to host courses on OWW. Feedback/help welcome.
  • Jasonk 07:59, 7 September 2006 (EDT): Should we have an officially sanctioned forum area? Could be a stopgap until the "liuquid threads" or whatever gets included in mediawiki...


Meeting time/date is 2nd Thursday of the month, Noon-1 pm Eastern Time at MIT. We have teleconferencing set up, so if you are interested in calling in, please let us know via the (contact page)

Notes from previous meetings


Funding committee