Imperial College/Courses/Spring2008/Synthetic Biology/SB Lecture 2

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Spring 2008 - Introduction to Synthetic Biology

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Synthetic Biology Lectures

BioBricks: a standard for physical DNA composition

Instructor: Vincent Rouilly

Date: 19th February 2008

Venue: Room 1, Whiteleys Suite.


  • Quick review on the traditional recombinant DNA toolbox + ad hoc cloning strategy
  • Advantages of a standardised cloning approach (systematic approach + modularity/abstraction)
  • BioBrick standard definition + concept of the Registry
  • Standard assembly process
  • How to build a BioBrick part (from PCR or DNA synthesis)
  • Other emerging BioBrick standards (Silver's Lab, Anderson's Lab)
  • 3 antibiotic assembly

Presentation Slides:

Resources / References :