DropBase:droplet generation 2 inlets

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• Two-inlet designs or single aqueous inlet flow-focusing junction
• the example shown has a 10 μm wide junction, although templates for a variety of different junction sizes are available to download

Generic Designs

  1. 10 μM: png, dxf, dwg
  2. 20 μM: png, dxf, dwg
  3. 30 μM: png, dxf, dwg
  4. 40 μM: png, dxf, dwg
  5. 50 μM: png, dxf, dwg
  6. 100 μM: png, dxf, dwg


Devenish SRA, Kaltenbach M, Fischlechner M, Hollfelder F, Droplets as Reaction Compartments for Nanotechnology in Protein Nanotechnology, Edited by Gerrard J, Humana Press; 2013.

Submitted by: Martin Fischlechner

Published Designs

Usage Notes

Please enter any comments that other users may find useful below this note (such as flow rates that worked well for particular oil/aqueous phases). When providing usage notes please provide as much detail as useful. We would request that you 'sign' any comments with your initials.