BME100 s2015:Projects4

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Lab 4: “Experimental Design”

  • Content from PCR Lab A
    • Design a protocol
    • Research and development - the underlying technology

HW: Lab Report 4 (due 3/31/15 at 11:59 pm through OpenWetWare)

Grading Scheme:
10 points – Overall layout: Our Team section, grammar, style
20 points – Protocol: Materials, PCR reaction sample list, DNA sample set-up procedure, OpenPCR program
20 points – Research & Development: function of components, PCR steps, base-pairing
50 points – Peer Assessment


OVERALL LAYOUT OUR TEAM section 5 pts = Original & non-offensive images; real names 3 pts = More than half original images & information 1 pt = All default green & white avatars; default text
Grammar & style 5 pts = Composition & layout perfect throughout 3 pts = Few spelling errors; images too big or small 1 pt = Many errors
PROTOCOL Materials 5 pts = Complete list 3 pts = run-on sentence, no bullets 1 pts = too short (three items or less)
PCR Reaction Sample List 5 pts = All 8 samples & tube labels shown in Wiki table format 3 pts = List instead of table format 1 pts = Tube labels missing
DNA Sample Set-up Procedure 5 pts = Consistent with the worksheet; phrased in student's own words 3 pts = Copied text from worksheet 1 pts = Missing one: PCR reaction mix, DNA/ primer mix
OpenPCR program 5 pts = Complete text list or screen capture from OpenPCR software 3 pts = Copy-pasted text from worksheet; no original comments from students 1 pts = Missing one or more: initial step, denature, anneal, extend, final step, final hold
RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT PCR - The underlying technology 20 pts = Complete: function of components, PCR steps, base pairing 15 pts = Mising one part; very short overall 10 pts = Missing tow or more parts
BONUS (5 points) - original digital or drawn illustration of PCR 5 pts = Composed from scratch (not from the internet) 4 pts = Images from the web with good captions/ labels 3 pts = Images from the web, lacking text explanation

Note: *Empty/ plagiarized sections or borrowed images without references receive zero points

Important Information About Grading:

  • Plagiarism: Any images that are copy-pasted from the BME 100 workbook, from another group's Wiki page, or from the internet are considered as plagiarism. Lab reports that contain any plagiarism will receive a zero and will be reported to James Collofello, Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs. Internet images (that are NOT from another group's or previous class's Wiki report) may be used as long as the source is properly cited.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to finish your report. Wiki pages are time-stamped after each "save". Only the version of your page that was saved by the deadline will be graded. Any changes made after the deadline will be ignored, no exceptions. Technical problems with the Wiki website must be reported at least 10 hours before the submission deadline.

Look for your Group's lab report link in the list of links on the right. If it is red instead of blue, do not click on it!

If the link is red, type the name of your Group's lab report link exactly as shown in the following text field and click the Create Page button.

This should open up an Edit page that is pre-populated with a lab report template code.

<createbox> preload=Template:ASUBME103_s2015_L4 prefix=BME100_s2015: width=20 buttonlabel=Create Page </createbox>

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