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Nano Synth Bio
General Molecular Biology
Current Protocols in Molecular Biology
Lab Manual
- Introduction to Cloning A nice introduction to cloning, written by Chris Anderson
- Introduction to BioBricks A nice introduction to BioBrick cloning, written by Chris Anderson
- Installing Vector NTI How to install Vector NTI, a free sequence editor
- BioBrick & Biofusion Strategies for Making Parts An overview of how to make & combine parts.
- 3 Antibiotic Assembly
- Commonly Used Plasmids
- Commonly Used Primers
- Golden Gate Cloning
- Oligonucleotide Inserts
- Overlapping Oligonucleotide Inserts
- Site-Directed Mutagenesis
- Restriction Digest
- Ligation
- Bacterial Transformation of Chemically Competent Cells
- Prep for Electrocompetent cells
- Bacterial Transformation using Electroporation
- Plasmid Verification
- Archiving Your Plasmid in the Strain Collection
- Agarose Gels
Protein Expression & Purification
- Bacterial Hosts for Overexpression
- Test Induction & Purification
- Protein Purification
- Isolation of Periplasmic Fraction
- Protein Gels
- Cell Surface Binding Assay
Gene deletion with λ-red
Genomic Integration into S. cerevisiae
Lipid Bilayers
Care of Synechocystis sp 6803
- Biobricks & Biofusion Sub-cloning
- Synechocystis sp. 6803
- Shewanella oneidensis MR-1
- Guidelines on Talking or Writing about your project
- Microbial Respiration
- LB media & plates
- Antibiotics
- TSB media
- BG-11 media
- BG-11 plates
- Supplemented M9 Media
- Stock Solutions