Koch Lab:Funding

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Active or Recent Funding

Defense Threat Reduction Agency

March 2009-March 2012, HDTRAI-09-1-0018, $703,830 total for KochLab component of project.
Title: Coupled Atomistic Modeling and Experimental Studies of Energy Transduction and Catalysis in the Molecular Motor Protein Kinesin
Role: Co-PI (PI: Susan Atlas, University of New Mexico)

Addgene Resource Sharing Award

September 2010, $5,000 gift to Andy Maloney and our lab in recognition of open science contributions.
Role: PI, but Andy Maloney did all the work for the application.

Prior Funding

Center for High Technology Materials

Start-up funds for our lab are provided by the CHTM.

American Cancer Society

March 2009-March 2010, $20,000 Renewal
May 2007-April 2008, $22,500 seed funding from the American Cancer Society grant no. IRG-92-024-10.
This is an institutional research grant (IRG) which provides one year grants to junior investigators via an internal UNM competition. The PI of the UNM grant is Janet Oliver, department of Pathology and Cancer Center.
The title of the project is "Single-Molecule Analysis of DSB Repair Events in Vivo".