Koch Lab:Data
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As much as possible, we're going to share all of our data publicly. To make it useful, we're also going to post our data analysis code and instructions for how to analyze data. This is a work in progress, though, and so far all we can post are links to lots of data and some notes about the data. Please contact us if you want to know how to use the data!
KochLab Data
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Microtubule Gliding Assay Data
- Raw Image Data
- Currently available on request until we figure out how to share images from our Drobo storage device. Down the road, we hope UNM library can help us with hosting this data.
- Raw & Processed Microtubule Tracking Data
- Data available as *.dat text files here: http://kochlab.org/files/data/MTD
- Instructions, descriptions, software available on request and we will continue working on posting them.
- Microtubule Gliding Assay Readme File
Steve's grad school DNA unzipping data
Steve Koch says: Below are links to all of my optical tweezers data from grad school. Most of it is DNA unzipping and probing protein-DNA interactions by unzipping. The data were acquired using the amazing OT control software that Richard Yeh designed. As mentioned above, I hope to someday include all of the data analysis software necessary to look at this data. In the meantime, please contact me if you'd like to get set up for looking at the data.
Link to data directories
Here is a particular example day. Many of the "useful" days of data have these accompanying word files which show pictures of the converted data. Those are pretty much the only files you'll be able to look at easily. The raw data files are binary.
Here is a link to some "converted" data. "Converted" means the raw data have been processed using the tweezers calibration data and Richard Yeh's "geometry" algorithm. The files are also in ASCII so you should be able to easily import an ASCII file into whatever program you use for graphing. "Converted" files have not yet been processed for finding protein binding events, etc.
Link to data set notes
http://kochlab.org/files/data/Koch_Data/DataSetNotes You can use this to see individual files. But opening each is annoying. So, I wrote a quick labview program to convert them all to one wiki page: