IGEM:IMPERIAL/2006/project/Oscillator/project browser/Predator Construct
Super Parts | Molecular Prey-Predator Oscillator | |
Actual Part | ||
Sub Parts | Test Sensing Predator Construct | Test Killing Predator Construct |
- This part is driving the molecular events associated with the Predator in the Lotka-Volterra model.
- This part has to interface with the Prey-construct.
- To satify the Lotka-Volterra dynamic of the predator, this part has to fulfill 3 properties:
- Promote the growth of the predator-molecule according to the prey and predator populations.
- Kill the prey-molecule according to the population of preys and predators
- Enable the natural death of the predator-molecule
Part interface
The prey-molecules are an input of the device. They trigger the production of predator-molecules. As a consequence, the output of this device is a new level of prey-molecules, due to killing, in association with a new level of predator-molecules, due to the balance between growth and natural death.
Expected behavior and performances
System level specificationsProperties | Specifications | |
Input Range(s) | Input range of the prey should at least match the dynamic range of the prey. | |
Output Range(s) | Output range of the prey should at least match the dynamic range of the prey. | |
Output range of the predator to be defined. | ||
Transfer function(s) | Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Transfer function inspired by the pure Lotka-Volterra equations, growth predator = C*prey_population_*predator_population |
Error creating thumbnail: Unable to save thumbnail to destination Transfer function inspired by the pure Lotka-Volterra equations, prey killing = B*prey_population_*predator_population. |
Robustness | Device should work for at least 10 cycles of the oscillator to match system level oscillator specifications. | |
Variability | Variability at the device population level (day to day, device to device) should be as low as possible. |
Open issues
- Getting linear relationship is going to be challenging in a biological system.
- Saturation in the response may have to be taken into account (characterized and defined).
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