Varioskan Flash
The Thermo Scientific Varioskan Flash Spectral Scanning Multimode Reader is a highly flexible plate reader capable of handling fluorometric (excitation/emission), luminometric (emission) and photometric (absorbance) measurements in 96+ well format employing a monochromator. The Varioskan can handle a broad range of applications from reporter assays to FRET. The Varioskan is equipped with three on board fluid dispensers, incubator and shaker to allow for real time assays. Coupled with the Tecan EVO, the Varioskan should allow major improvements in high throughput experiment design. Currently the Varioskan is located in 68-322. The Varioskan supports:
The Varioskan is used routinely in the BioMicro Center to measure the concentration of Illumina libraries using SYBR green. The Varioskan Flash can also be used to measure concentrations of oligos from Dr.Oligo.
Synergy H1
The Agilent Synergy H1 is a hybrid multi-mode microplate reader. This model handles all applications which the Varioskan Flash can handle with minor differences in spectral coverage. There is also an option to use a filter cube versus the monochromator while the Flash relies only upon a monochromator. The H1 incubator and orbital shaker provide the same capabilities as the Flash. This model does not have dispensers. Potential applications not found with the Flash:
The Synergy H1 is used routinely in the BioMicro Center to qualitatively evaluate and quantify total RNA samples. Using the Synergy H1 Take3 Trio reusable plate module, 48 2 uL samples of DNA or RNA can be submitted to UV-vis measurements (similar to Nanodrop). This reader is located on a cart in 68-322 and can be signed out for use outside of the BMC--please do signup for outside use a week in advance, since other users need to be able to plan their experiments. |