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<html> <style>#en2020 a {color:black;}</style> </html>


All assignments should be dropped into the homework drop-box, found here

  • Personal Design Portfolio (individual grade, up to 25% of your final grade)
    • letter and revised letter
    • iGEM reviews
    • Comic script
    • Switchgrass to Ethanol equation evaluation
    • Camp catalog of project ideas
    • Golden Record
    • Biomimicry email
    • Biohacking: busted, plausible or confirmed?
    • Regulation of genetic engineering
    • Making Genes, Making Waves
    • Project development notebook
  • Lecture Response Log (individual grade, up to 10% of your final grade)
  • Instructor Leverage (individual grade, up to 5% of your final grade)

Class policies

Students in 20.020 should:

  1. Do great things
  2. Do their best
  3. Come to class with an open mind and some energy to engage with the challenges
  4. Work collegially and constructively
  5. Tell people who need to know if there is a problem


3 Ideas Presentation

Tech Spec Review

Final presentations