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Lecture: MW10 (36-153)
- W 9/6 (First day of classes); Start of a Phylogenetic Inference Module
- M 9/11 PI Lecture 2
- W 9/13 PI Lecture 3
- M 9/18 PI Lecture 4
- W 9/21 PI Lecture 5
- Lecture 5 Notes
- M 9/25 (NO CLASS, Student holiday)
- W 9/27 PI Lecture 6
- M 10/2 PI Lecture 7
- W 10/4 PI Lecture 8 or review
- Lecture 8 Notes
- 10/6 (Add deadline)
- M 10/9 (NO CLASS, Columbus Day)
- W 10/11 (Exam 1)
- M 10/16 Start of Molecular Modeling / Protein Design Module
- W 10/18 MM/PD Lecture 2
- M 10/23 MM/PD Lecture 3
- W 10/25 MM/PD Lecture 4
- M 10/30 MM/PD Lecture 5
- W 11/1 MM/PD Lecture 6
- M 11/6 MM/PD Lecture 7
- W 11/8 MM/PD Lecture 8 or review
- M 11/13 (Exam 2)
- W 11/15 No class
- M 11/20 Start of Discrete Reaction Event Network Modeling Module
- W 11/22 DRENM Lecture 2 (Drop deadline)
- Class Notes (PDF)
- (Thanksgiving Break)
- M 11/27 DRENM Lecture 3
- W 11/29 DRENM Lecture 4
- M 12/4 No Class
- W 12/6 DRENM Lecture 5
- M 12/11 DRENM Lecture 6 or review
- W 12/13 (Exam 3, Last day of classes)