Nick Rohacz: Week 4
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- The Michealis-Menten model of enzyme kinetics is a model used to measure the concentrations of enzymes, product, and substrate using rate laws and the model enzyme + substrate ↔ enzyme/substrate → enzyme + product.
- The experiment required for the Lineweaver-Burk approach to estimating parameters for Michealis-Menten produces a linear form of Michealis Menten where K is the slope/intercept and Vmax is 1/intercept.
- A Chemostat Reactor is a reactor in which the conditions are easily controlled by keeping homeostasis througha static equilibrium, thus allowing controlled growth of the organism.
- Exponential Growth is when the output of a model is not linear with the input, but rather the output far exceeds the amount input. Similar to the graph y=ex.
Applying Michealis-Menten Models
Estimating Michealis-Menten Parameters
Slope = 859.23 Intercept = 31.695 Vmax = 1/intercept = .03155 K = slope/intercept = 27.109
Nicholas A. Rohacz 23:24, 6 February 2011 (EST)
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