Knight:RNA work
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A list of various items that might be useful while working with RNA.
The sterile hood in 306 is dedicated to RNA work.
- RNaseZap (Ambion)
- RNaseZap wipes (Ambion)
- DMPC (less carcinogenic than DEPC)
- RNaseAlert Kit (Ambion)
- RNase free water
- The DI water may be sufficiently free of RNases
- 3% Hydrogen peroxide
- Oven for baking glassware
- Note that caps can be heated only to 140°C but removal of RNAases requires 180°C
- Decontaminated electrophoresis apparatus and power supply
- RNA ladder
- SYBR Gold
- Sensitive nucleic acid stain.
- RNase free 10X TBE buffer
- For native gels
- Glyoxal and formamide
- For denaturing gels
- RNase free tips and tubes
- RNase free DNase I (We have Deoxyribonuclease I from bovine pancreas. Is this good enough for RNA work? Stored at -20°C in the large freezer on the door shelf.)