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Knight:Agarose gel electrophoresis
Knight:Annealing and cloning oligos -- in progress, hasn't been tested
Annealing and primer extension
Knight:Annealing and primer extension with Klenow polymerase
Knight:Annealing and primer extension with Taq polymerase
Ethanol precipitation of small DNA fragments
Knight:DNA ligation using NEB Quick Ligation Kit
Knight:DNA ligation using T4 DNA ligase
Knight:Micropure EZ and Microcon purification
Knight:Miniprep low copy plasmids
Phosphatase treatment of linearized vector
Knight:TOPO vector preparation
Knight:Addition of 3' A-overhangs
Knight:Site-directed mutagenesis
Knight:Dialysis --works poorly
Knight:Electrophoretic mobility shift assay
Knight:Microcon filtration of proteins --works poorly
Knight:Purification of His-tagged proteins
Knight:Purification of MBP-tagged proteins
Escherichia coli
Preparing chemically competent cells (Inoue)
Transforming chemically competent cells (Inoue)
TOP10 chemically competent cells - preferred by TK and the Registry
Knight:Preparing electrocompetent cells
Knight:Beta-galactosidase assay
Knight:Beta-galactosidase assay/96 well format