Galaxy at MIT

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  1. Galaxy at MIT is a GALAXY INSTANCE installed at MIT.

Project Timelines

Timelines Plan Status Comments
Jul 29 Galaxy Setup: Finish tweaking the installation and configuration of Galaxy at MIT instance. (1) The solution for data transfer among user computer, data server and Galaxy server; (2) The solution for data maintenance on Galaxy server; (3) Local or network source code repository. Add your comment
Aug 1 Galaxy and GenePattern: Comparison of features and analytical pipelines in Galaxy and GenePattern for better performance and usability. Ongoing Add your comment
Aug 5 Chip-Seq Pipeline: Test the Chip-Seq pipeline in Galaxy. Ongoing Add your comment
Aug 12 Chip-Seq Pipeline: Start some of the analyses on Boyer Lab data using Galaxy. Ongoing Add your comment
Aug 31 Chip-Seq Pipeline: Make the Chip-Seq analytical pipeline available. Ongoing Add your comment
Oct 31 RNA-Seq Pipeline: Test and implement RNA-Seq pipeline. Ongoing Add your comment
Feb 31 Other Pipelines: Test and implement some other pipelines such as CNV, whole genome etc in the interval of every two months. Ongoing Add your comment
Jun 31 BioMicroWare: Most pipelines are investigated and implemented with iterative improvements and enhancements. Ongoing Add your comments

Galaxy Installation and Configuration

Data uploading

The solution for data transfer among user computer, data server and Galaxy server.

Data maintenance

The solution for data maintenance on Galaxy server.

Data deletion

The script for deleting datasets stored on Galaxy server after a user's history and datasets have been deleted using Galaxy web interface.