20.109(F08): old announcements

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20.109(F08): Laboratory Fundamentals of Biological Engineering

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Home        People        Schedule Fall 2008        Assignments        Lab Basics        OWW Basics       
DNA Engineering        Protein Engineering        Biomaterials Engineering              

Module 2 Announcements

  • The genotype for NY420 is MATA his4-917d, lys2-173R2, ura3D0, leu2D0
  • Office hours will be held this weekend and next week in case you have questions as you work to write up the Mod2 data. NK will be in lab from 3-5 on Sunday 11.02.08 from 3-5 and again on Monday from 2:15-3:45 11.03.08.
  • Lecture hour on 10.23 is optional. We have the opportunity to tour the Abcam facility in Kendall square. We will meet in 66-168 at 11 to walk over.
  • Journal club will be in 16-336 on Thursday and Friday 10.23 and 10.24
  • Images for Westerns are posted on M2D5 talk page.
  • PCR samples have been run on gels and can be found on the talk pages for M2D2 and M2D3.
  • Instructions for access to primary journal articles through MIT libraries: If you travel through the MIT homepage to the "libraries" link (you should be on a computer with certificates), then find and click "Vera" on the leftmost list of links, you should be able to type in "Molecular Cell" and have access to that journal through MIT's subscription. You may have to find the relevant article in the archives for that journal and each journal does that a little differently. Please ask if you're having trouble with any of this.
  • Bevin Engelward will hold office hours on Thursday 10.09.08 from 5-6 PM and Monday 10.13.08 from 4:30-6PM in her office, 16-743. Stop by if you have questions or concerns about your Module 1 work.
  • If you will be missing lecture on Thursday (10.09.08) due to the religious holiday and would like to meet on Friday (10.10.08) to review the material we covered, please just email me and we can set up a time. Nkuldell 08:58, 8 October 2008 (EDT)

Module 1 Announcements

  • A sample gel has been posted to the Talk page of Module1 Day6 to use if your own results were disappointing. Remember you must present your own results AND the ones that are posted if you use them in your report.
  • A few folks have asked about what to do if your own data doesn't match the expected outcomes for the cloning section of Module 1. We've added a note to the write-up description to clarify. The bottom line is that you should write up your own results and then also include the figures from the "talk" pages to show your understanding of what things were expected.
  • Images for M1D3 Tuesday lab are now posted here
  • First day of lecture and lab is Thursday Sept 4th. No lab SEPT 3!