Talk:20.109(F08): Mod 1 Day 8 FACS analysis

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The data from your time at flow cytometry is linked below. A sample of a cell population is found here File:M1D8 Sample Population.pic. If you need any other images, please email me and I will get them to you on Monday.

To see the images, you can download them and then open them up, or just click on the file and wait for quicktime to open them. They are easily opened on a mac, but pc can open them via quicktime or other similar program.

T/R Results

The Data is collected in this file File:M1D8 Thursday Results.doc. If your data is unusable, please use Friday Yellow data. Their conditions are at the bottom of the page. The images provided are from Sample 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 14. If you need any others, please email me.

Team Color Image File
Blue File:M1 D8 TR Blue Layout.pic
Green File:M1 D8 TR Green Layout.pic
Orange File:M1 D8 TR Orange Layout.pic
Pink File:M1 D8 TR Pink Layout.pic
Purple File:M1D8 TR Purple Layout.pic
Red File:M1D8 TR Red Layout.pic
Yellow File:M1D8 TR Yellow Layout.pic

W/F Results

The collected results are in this file File:Friday Results.doc

The images provided are from Sample 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 11, and 14. If you need any others, please email me.

team color Download this File
Yellow File:Friday Yellow Layout.jpg
Green File:Friday Green Layout.jpg
Blue File:Friday Blue Layout.jpg
Pink File:Friday Pink Layout.jpg
Purple File:Friday Purple Layout.jpg

If your data is unusable because of low/no cell counts, please use Friday Yellow's data. Their conditions are below. You need to discuss why your data is unusable and what may have caused it. As YingFei pointed out, the data point for Yellow #12 was garbled in the translation. It should be 2.55 e-3. This is a lot lower than the other replicates for the condition.

Now you have to make a choice. We can't ignore data that just doesn't 'fit' our expectations. Is there sufficient reason to throw this data point out? (machine stopped working, killed all the cells, low cell count, low transformation) The machine worked fine, there will 40,000 cells, there was ~30% live cells. If you think there is a valid reason then explain it, otherwise, analyze as normal.

Sample Condition
1 Mock
3 Delta 5
4 Delta 3
5, 6, 7 Delta 5 (.1 ug) + Delta 3 (.1 ug)
8, 9, 10 Delta 5 (.5 ug) + Blunt Delta 3 (.1 ug)
11, 12, 13 Delta 5 (.5 ug) + Delta 3 (.1 ug)
14, 15, 16 Delta 5 (.1 ug) + Blunt Delta 3 (.1 ug)