User:James C. Schwabacher/Notebook/CHEM-571/2014/08/29

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  • Complete the film synthesis from Wednesday.
  • Prepare Malachite Green Stock solutions.


  1. Completing film synthesis
    1. Warm 150mL of Sodium Sulfate Solution (see below for details) at 80C for 15 minutes
    2. Place film in Sodium Sulfate Solution (see below for details) at 80C for 1 hour with gentle stirring
    3. Warm 150mL of 1% HCl at 80C for 15 minutes
    4. Place film in 1% HCl Solution (see below for details) at 80C for 30 minutes with gentle stirring
    5. Place film in Sodium Bicarbonate Solution for 15 minutes at room temperature with gentle stirring
  2. Starting new film synthesis
    1. Use Original Protocol to make new 10% clay-polyvinyl alcohol film
      1. It was 10% by weight clay because we used 1g of PVA and 0.11g of clay
  3. Malachite Green Solutions
    1. Prepare the following solutions
      1. 25mL 0.20ppm Malachite Green
      2. 25mL 0.50ppm Malachite Green
      3. 25mL 1.1ppm Malachite Green
      4. 25mL 1.4ppm Malachite Green
      5. 25mL 1.7ppm Malachite Green
      6. 50mL 2.0ppm Malachite Green
      7. 200mL 8.0ppm Malachite Green
      8. 50mL 80.0ppm Malachite Green
      9. 150mL 200.0ppm Malachite Green
  4. Soaking film samples in MG solutions
    1. Samples were cut and massed by Mary


  • Preparing the MG Solutions
    • 200 ppm: 20.00 mg of MG in 100 mL volumetric flask, filled with distilled water
    • 80 ppm: 20 mL of 200 ppm solution in 50 mL volumetric flask, filled with distilled water
    • 8 ppm: 2 mL of 200 ppm MG solution in 50 mL volumteric flask, filled with distilled water.
    • 2 ppm and 1.7 ppm were prepared by Madeleine and Alicia
    • 1.4 ppm and 1.2 ppm solutions were prepared by Eleni, Melvin and Becky
    • 0.5 ppm and 0.2 ppm solutions were prepared by Andrew, Tami and Michael
  • The UV-VIs data and calibration curves will be determined next Wednesday.