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University of California Berkeley iGem 2009 Wetlab Team

The final igem presentation

costume idea!: Let's have a robot costume where one person is dressed up and does a robot move every time someone says "robot". -collective brainchild of Susan and Jenn

Wed 10-7-09 Slide Mtg

Intro slide and Needle scFv data File:Introduction1.ppt

MGFP slide File:MGFPslide.ppt

Friday 9-4-09 Meeting Minutes

Topics covered:

  • cellulases - Azo Cm assay data (which can be found here) discussed.

-cel5B data looks too good since most of the constructs had signal
-cel3A had readings close to the negative controls
-cel9A had some signals that are significant, but not high
-some next steps: 1. repeat assay with positive control (which we got from Lane)
2. make constructs without the displayers to test whether the cellulases have function without displayers

  • BCA(?) assay on mgfp

-will run the assay again
-if no improvement seen, will go with flocculation

  • Needle scFv - will FITC conjugate today and will assay tomorrow
  • assembling of parts - mgfp with linkers have been made. Will make cellulases with linkers, needle scFV with linkers, and internal passengers. New stock plates of cellulases are being made.
  • Area of focus

-currently - fundamental. highlighting: autotransporters, interesting displayed proteins (scFv, enzyme, structural, peptide zippers), automation, number of parts, characterization/improvement/preliminary rules of cell surface display (linkers and displayers) as a tool for future surface display endeavors.

  • Team names, logos, clever quotes, and other sorts of ridiculous nonscience.

Terry: What type of shirts do you guys want for the team? T-shirts, polos...
Jenn: Let's get halters!

quote of the day:
"think outside the cell" -Patrick

Date: 7/9/09
Presentation: Basic Parts update, Strep Assay, and Functional Assays (Susan, Gaby, Patrick)
Media:7_9_09 presentation slides.ppt