Synthetic Biology:News
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<wikionly>Archive announcements of interest here.</wikionly>
- SB6.0: The 6th International Meeting on Synthetic Biology July 9-11, 2013 at Imperial College in London, UK.
- Regenerative Sciences Institute will conduct a class "Introduction to Synthetic Biology for Entrepreneurs" Synbio Course, December 6-20, 2013.
- Cambridge BioDesign launch their annual TechEvent and Forum, scheduled for this September 2012.
- Science runs Special Section on synthetic biology in the 2 September 2011 issue
- iGEM Jamboree 5-7 Nov 2011 results
- The U.S. Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues: Final recommendations here.
- First documentary film on synthetic biology is now available.
- The BioBrick Public Agreement v1 draft is now available for public distribution and comment.
- Synthetic Biology 5.0: The Fifth International Meeting on Synthetic Biology will take place at Stanford University from 15-17 June 2011. Learn more and register for the conference at
- Bio:Fiction - The Synthetic Biology Science, Art and Film Festival, 13-14 May 2011 Vienna, Austria.
- synth-ethic - The Synthetic Biology Art Exhibition, 14 May - 26 June 2011 Vienna, Austria.
- Creation of a Bacterial Cell Controlled by a Chemically Synthesized Genome (2010) Accompanying news story in Science - iGEM Jamboree 2010 competition and results
- New England Biolabs and Ginkgo BioWorks release the BioBrick Assembly Kit
- Bio-Fiction: The First Synthetic Biology Science, Art and Film Festival. Call for entries.
- Amyris Biotechnologies Inc. goes public: stock quote
- International Conference Signalling meets Synthetic Biology 23.09.-25.09.2010, BIOSS, University of Freiburg, Freiburg i.Brsg., Germany
- iGEM Jamboree 31 Oct-2 Nov, 2009 competition and results
- iGEM BioBrick Trophy on public display in London at the Wellcome Trust's new window gallery
- New synthetic biology platform paper in Nature Biotechnology
- Summary of the open SYNBIOSAFE e-conference on ethics, safety, security, IPR, governance, and public perception of synthetic biology available for download.
- Second European Conference on Synthetic Biology (ECSB II): Design, Programming And Optimisation Of Biological Systems 29 March – 03 April, 2009, Sant Feliu de Guixols (Costa Brava), Spain
- BioSysBio 2009 Conference March 23-25, 2009, Cambidge, UK
- SB4.0 The Fourth International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, The Fourth International Meeting on Synthetic Biology, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 10-12 October 2008
- A Standards and Specifications Workshop in Synthetic Biology was held on April 26-27, 2008 in Seattle, Washington.
- iGEM2007 Results of this year's international Genetically Engineered Machines competition.
- IET Synthetic Biology launches first issue and includes iGEM 2006.
- Synthetic Biology 3.0 Zurich proceedings. Download here.
- BioBricks Foundation first membership drive.
- Synthetic Biology: Caught between Property Rights, the Public Domain, and the Commons
- US HSPD-18. Guidance on openness and international transparency in biodefense work still needed.
- NCCUSA Biotechnology and National Security declaration.
- Protocols and Standards workshop for synthetic biology & internet II
- Synthetic Biology 3.0 conference website springs to life.
- Chris Voigt publishes beautiful introductory review entitled "Genetic parts to program bacteria." PDF, PubMed
- ETC group publishes an introduction to synthetic biology.
- Roger Brent has published two commentaries discussing future biological security, and issues of responsibility within the synthetic biology community.
- Ljubljana, Slovenia wins iGEM 2006 Grand Prize & takes home the coveted BioBrick, MIT earns Best System, full details coming online.
- iGEM 2006 Jamboree is this weekend at MIT!!!
- Isaacs, Dwyer and Collins discuss promises and challenges of RNA synthetic biology. (pdf)
- Arkin & Fletcher discuss challenges of applying engineering principles to biology. (abstract, pdf)
- BioSysBio 2007 has a call for abstracts. The conference has 2 sessions on Synthetic Biology.
- US NSF funds $20 million synthetic biology research center at UC Berkeley, MIT, Harvard, Prairie View, & UCSF.
- Public Draft of Declaration from Synthetic Biology 2.0
- Arjun (AJ) Bhutkar's article in The Journal of Biolaw & Business analyzing patentability, ethical and regulatory challenges in Synthetic Biology.
- Viral Fossil Brought Back to Life - researchers synthesized a retrovirus that infected human ancestors millions of years ago; original article in Genome Research
- Tucker & Zilinskas discuss promise and perils of synthetic biology in the New Atlantis
- Rosenfeld et al publish a method for inferring the numerical abundance of proteins inside bacteria.
- Ongoing discussion of community self-governance issues; to be resolved by SB2.0. Please contribute!
- BioSpectrum Asia Edition has an article highlighting India's involvement in iGEM this year Synthetic Biology
- Pósfai's & Blattner's groups publish their reduction of E. coli's genome.
- Webcast of MIT "town hall" meeting on community self-governance options.
- Goldman School releases white paper on self-governance of DNA synthesis technology for community-wide discussion and comment.
- Jay Keasling's group publishes a paper about making a lot of artemisinic acid in yeast.
- Keith Joung's group publishes engineered protein-protein interaction paper.
- Registration for the Second International Conference on Synthetic Biology (SB2.0) is open.
- Beachhead has a market analysis for synthetic biology: Synthetic Biology, A New Paradigm for Biological Discovery
- NY Times has an article on Custom-Made Microbes, at Your Service.
- Ham Smith's group reports in PNAS on the essential genes of a minimal bacterium.
- The Scientist has an article on Is this life?. Check out the links to opinions on artificial life and the definition of synthetic biology from Endy, Venter, Keasling, Church, Noireaux, Holt, and Blattner.
- Graduate Program and Open Faculty Positions pages started. See Resources section below.
- Special issue on synthetic biology in Nature including the Adventures in Synthetic Biology comic
- EU Synthetic Biology funding announcement
- Pamela Silver's lecture & Lisa Geller's discussion on Synthetic Biology (mp3 file)
- 2005 iGEM Jamboree gets underway, 5 November 2005 (MIT, News)
- Freeman Dyson's talk on the Future of Evolution.
- Mitsuhiro Itaya's group reports in PNAS on combining two genomes in one cell.
- Laurie Zoloth's recent lecture on ethics & Synthetic Biology.
- Paul Rabinow's recent lecture on security & Synthetic Biology.
- The Institute of Biological Engineering's annual meeting (March 10-12, 2006, Univ. of Arizona) will include a Synthetic Biology session and a student paper contest on bioethics!
- Two new public mailing lists have been established to help serve the Synthetic Biology community.
- A new journal Synthetic and Systems Biology has been launched.
- The Synthetic Biology site has undergone major revisions. Post your feedback on the talk page.
- A Synthetic Biology publishing archive has been set up on MIT's DSpace.
- MIT, the J. Craig Venter Institute in Rockville, MD, and the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C. announce a new study of the societal implications of synthetic genomics. Press releases: MIT, CSIS and Venter Institute. Synthetic Genomics Study
- Synthetic Genomics, Inc. has been launched to develop "scientific processes to enable industry to design and test desired genetic modifications."
- Codon Devices, Inc. is founded to "pioneer the emerging field of synthetic biology."
- Check out taqdot: News for the open source and synthetic biology community
- 7/8/04: Writing DNA: First Synthetic Biology Conference Held at MIT
- 7/8/04: Experts worry that synthetic biology may spawn biohackers and Slashdot article.
- 6/15/04: Conference kicks off synthetic bio revolution
- 6/11/04: BioBricks to help reverse-engineer life
- 4/26/04: Synthetic Life: article in Scientific American and discussion on Slashdot.
- 1/9/04: Microbes made to order: Science, 303(5655):158-161, January 2004.
- 7/9/03: The First Synthetic Biology Conference will take place June 2004 at MIT.
- 4/29/03: Story on Slashdot on Digital DNA circuits with link to BioBricks.
- 4/15/03: Planning and assembly of parts from IAP is beginning.
- 2/28/03: All parts have been shipped.
- 2/15/03: The IAP class is finished! The designs are being reviewed and sequences will be shipped soon.
- 2/13/03: MIT News article about IAP class
- 11/20/02: We are holding an IAP class on engineering blinkers.
- 11/01/02: We have the sequence for Mesoplasma florum!
- MIT folks can add/remove themselves to the "synthbio" mailing list here.
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Making life better, one part at a time.