Synthetic Biology:Mailing lists

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To foster interaction in the synthetic biology community, we've created the following generally available mailing lists.

All mailing lists exist Anyone can subscribe or unsubscribe themselves at any time by clicking the links below.

Note: Clicking the link will take you to a site where you can enter your email address and a password. Then click the subscribe button. You should receive an email with directions for how to confirm your subscription to the email list. Once you confirm your subscription, you should receive all emails sent to the list.

  • announce
    • announce archive
    • low-traffic, moderated list with information about conferences or other events relevant to the synthetic biology community
    • Everyone is welcome to send relevant messages (e.g. a new synthetic biology journal) to the list, but the message will need to be approved by a moderator.

Other Mailing Lists

Synthetic Biology near MIT

For those near MIT (either physically or in spirit) and would like to be on the MIT synthbio mailing list (usually announcing seminars near MIT), add/remove yourself here.

Biosecurity and Biosafety

For those interested in the issues of biosecurity and biosafety, Berkeley has established a listserv for interested parties. You can join by sending an e-mail to starrt AT berkeley DOT edu.

Other Lists of Mailing Lists

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