OpenWetWare:Steering committee/Meeting - February 2008

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SC Reports

Brief reports on the month's activity should be written by each chair 2 days before the SC meeting. At the meeting each chair will bring up any open issues that require discussion, but won't need to recount everything described below.



  • Included a feed from the SC blog on the main page
  • We need lab notebook testers!
    • John and Vincent volunteered their students. Vincent needs better help documentation before he can roll it out.


News and highlights

  • SC blog feed now shows up on main page as does a feed of the most recent 5 new users.
  • "News and Highlights" section removed from main page. This makes for a more streamlined design and allows the SC blog to serve as the primary venue for news and announcements.
  • Added a link back from new user page to main page (so new users can see their names in lights.)
  • Link to survey from feedback page.


  • OWW Survey:
    • At the end, we only have 26 entries ... not great
    • Find here a quick overview of the results
    • What did we learn ? Was it a waste of time ? Is it worth to advertise it more ?
    • What should be the next step ?
    • Julius will send a message about the results of the survey.


  • Bill to work on the WYSIWYG editor. Email Bill if you want to test drive the lab notebook.
  • Including a map of all OWW users and where they are geographically. Ideas? Email Bill.


  • Update on Publishing committee teleconference yesterday
  • plan is for people to add requirements to the wiki and to comment
  • then to have another meeting in 2 wks time.
  • Discussion about connecting local groups on OWW--connecting lab to lab.
  • Lots of good discussion about publishing channels. Followup meeting is planned. Email John if you're interested in participating.


  • Lorrie started on Monday 2/4
  • Please schedule one-on-one phone calls/meetings with her to discuss your thoughts and efforts re OWW (lorrie AT openwetware DOT org)


  • John brought up the idea of an OpenScience Initiative. John will talk to Cameron Neylon. This will be an independent organization hosted on OWW. Email John if you're interested.
  • John also proposed the All-Digital Lab. Email him for details.