Kubke Lab:Research/CND/Records2010-2011Summer

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Experimental records for the Cranial Nerve Development Project- 2010-2011 Summer research

This page lists and links to the detailed experimental records for Summer Research 2010-2011

Embryo name Stage Date Procedure Nerve Comments
MH001 ST28 25/11/2010 Cryostat Tutorial N/A Stage confirmed by Fabiana
MH002 ST28 3/12/2010 Assessing cryostat parameters for ST28 N/A H&E stained slides.Poor quality
MH003 ST20-22 13/12/2010 Fabiana's cryostat session N/A N/A
MH004 ST28-29 16/12/2010 Fabiana's cryostat session N/A feedback from results found here
MH005 ST28-29 14/1/2010 Cutting session N/A Unstained sections. Superfrost slides
MH006 ST28 19/1/2011 Cutting session N/A poor tissue quality.
MH007 ST25 Only staged has not been cut yet
MH008 ST19 26/01/2011 Serial Nissl sections Complete Nissl stained serial sections
RC001 ST22 23/11/10 Histology Training with Satya Evaluating a protocol to follow to prepare stained serial sections.
RC002 ST23 2/12/2010 Histology Training with Satya Evaluating a protocol to follow to prepare stained serial sections.
RC003 ST21 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise for Reuben, sectioned by Fabiana, stained by Reuben Following staining decided to not use H&E staining.
RC004 ST25 17/12/2010 Histology Training with Satya Some tissue sections good, derived sectioning protocol from these results.
RC005 ST19 10/01/2011 .
RC006 ST20 Staged:10/01/2011, Cutting: 13/01/2011 Sectioned then Nissl stained. Un-subbed slides were used and the tissues were moving during coverslipping.
RC007 ST19 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC008 ST24 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC009 ST24 Sectioned then Nissl stained Staging unconfirmed, hindbrain not fully cut.Tissue adhering to slide however.
RC010 ST20 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC011 ST26 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC012 ST29 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC013 ST30 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC014 ST31 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging unconfirmed.
RC015 ST20+ 10/01/2011 Staging Exercise Staging confirmed, embryo sectioned by Malisha, Nissl stained by Reuben, deemed 'good' but not great quality tissue sections by Fabiana.