Imperial College/Courses/Spring2008/Synthetic Biology/Part Measurement and Characterisation
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Wet Lab: Part Measurements and Characterisation
Instructors: Geoff Baldwin, Kirsten Jensen, Duo Lu, Vincent Rouilly
Date: 25th, 26th, 27th, 28th, 29th February 2008
Venue: Wet Lab, RSC1 building.
- Part Characterisations (data collection + analysis):
- Constitutive Promoters
- Inducible Promoter
- Log/Stationary Phase detector (from iGEM MIT 2006)
- GFP calibration curve
- Wet Lab Skills:
- E.Coli culture + monitoring growth (OD600)
- Fluorescent measurement from a 96-well plate reader
- Calibrated Fluorescent Measurement.
- Data collection and analysis (lab notebook).
- Sharing your data.
- Lab Notebook on OpenWetWare
- Report due on ...
- Registration to OpenWetWare required ( join OWW}.
- Thanks to Jason Kelly (MIT) for providing us the DNA plasmids, and a great deal of feedbacks.
- OpenWetWare folks for creating such a wonderful Open Science platform.