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• Device for the extraction of 70µm agarose beads from an oil phase into an aqueous (medium) phase.
• The microfluidic chip has three inlets: one for the aqueous phase (PBS or cell culture medium), one for the oil phase containing hydrogel microdroplets, and one for a sheath fluid (HFE-7500 and surfactant) that is used for hydrodynamic focusing and spacing of incoming droplets.[8]


Kleine-Brüggeney, H., van Vliet, L. D., Mulas, C., Gielen, F., Agley, C. C., Silva, J. C. R., Smith, A., Chalut, K., Hollfelder, F., Small 2019, 15, 1804576. https://doi.org/10.1002/smll.201804576


  • Extraction chip ECD2: png, dwg
  • Extraction chip ECD3:png, dwg

  • Usage Notes

    Please enter any comments that other users may find useful below this note (such as flow rates that worked well for particular oil/aqueous phases). When providing usage notes please provide as much detail as useful. We would request that you 'sign' any comments with your initials.

    The publication used indium for the electrodes, but we recommend using 5M NaCl instead.

    Two electrodes made of low-melting indium alloys (51 IN, 32.5 BI, 16.5 SN; Indium Corporation of America) are located at either side of the intersecting channels. These electrodes were used for inducing electrocoalescence between droplets and the aqueous phase by applying an electric AC field (Model 601C, TREK). To increase the stability of the oil/water interface, the channel for the aqueous phase was coated with acrylic acid (procedure based on[42] and the channel for the oil phase was coated with PFOTS (see the Supporting Information).