BME100 s2018:Group7 W0800 L1

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=OUR TEAM=Group7_W0800_L1

Name: Kendall Saville
Name: Hannah Bunda
Name: Angelica Injejikian
Name: Your name
Name: Your name
Name: Your name


Healthcare Need

Lab 1: “ Needs Identification”

· Introduce the Fundability Worksheet from Medicoventures. · Identify an existing health care issue. · Report on the impact of the issue on society (why it’s important) · Identify your customers for validation. · Review current solutions to the chosen health care issue. o Available resources: Google Scholar, Patent Searches, News Searches (Lexis Nexis), Journal Searches · Describe advantages/disadvantages to each current solution. o Identify the unmet needs (financial, technological, etc.) · Score relevant portions of the fundability worksheet o Customer validation. o Competitors o Intellectual Property (IP)


  • Cite appropriately all resources used in completing this analysis.*

Describe the health care issue you will develop a solution for. Include a description of the pathology your device or technology that will treat/prevent/diagnose. When detecting concussions, there is no clear way to diagnose other than waving your finger in front of the persons face to see if their eyes are moving correctly. This is ineffective because it’s hard to detect those slight differences with the human eye and sometimes the other symptoms don’t arise until a week later. Our device will be contacts that have sensors in them, they work together to track your eye movements in order to see if you have a concussion or not. This is a much more accurate way of diagnosing this serious condition.

Customer Validation: Create a list of 20 specific customers that you would contact to validate your device/technology (physicians, individuals, organizations etc).

1.1(Patients) Athletes, construction workers, anyone who hits their head hard; will all physically use the device on themselves. 1.2(Physicians) team doctors, family doctors, personal use will all have access to the device and know how to properly use it. 1.3(providers) hospitals, schools, sporting facilities, at home; will own the devices and can provide them to the necessary people 1.4(Payers) health insurance, out of pocket, government funding, associations; will help fund the producing and distribution of the device to make it more affordable and accessible. 1.5(Purchasers) google, cortical metrics, Banyon Biomarkers, Brainscope Company, Quanterix, ImmunArray Inc.; companies that will make the device or buy the company 1.6(Customer adoption risks) Can be uncomfortable in your eye; health risks and reasons people may not readily use it.

Competitors: List current solutions for this health care issue. Create a column for each of the following:

Current Solutions Advantages-A Disadvantages-B Why our device is more marketable-C

Brain Sentry

Advantages -The coach receives a notification if the athlete got hit unusually hard, therefore it is harder for athletes to hide symptoms of concussions -Motion activated so it turns on and off on its own without needing to remember to do so -Keeps track of how many times the athlete was hit for the day -12 month battery life which means you don’t have to charge it

Disadvantages -Required to pay every year ($75 for the first year and $55 every year after) to update the sensor because new technology is released yearly -Concussions can still occur at a level where the impact doesn’t trigger the sensor -There are still other methods of detecting possible concussions besides force of impact -Must be placed on a helmet, therefore it would only work for athletes who have to wear one -Would be more beneficial if it implemented additional ways to detect concussions (technological) -Must purchase a device for each player which can become very costly (financial)

Why Our Device Is More Marketable -Relies on force impact instead of detecting eye movements, which is a very inaccurate detection system compared to tracking eye movement -Only works if you wear a helmet during your sport/activity

BTrackS (Balance Tracking Systems)

Advantages -Athletes are able to perform a baseline test before the season starts and if something occurs later on the results are able to be compared to their baseline results -Results can also be compared to a database of athletes of the same sex and age -Doesn’t take long because results are available immediately after testing and can be saved and printed to easily share with doctors -Only have to pay for the device one and can be used as many times as desired

Disadvantages -Only uses balance as a way to determine whether a concussion has occurred, even though there are more ways -Would be more beneficial if it implemented additional ways to detect concussions (technological)

Why Our Device Is More Marketable -Balance is not the most accurate way of detecting concussions -Test needs to be administered and compared to previous results which is time consuming

Shockbox - Sports Helmet Sensors

Advantages -Senses how many times an athlete is hit and whether a hit is hard enough to most likely cause a concussion and transmits the information a smartphone which makes it difficult for athletes to hide symptoms of a concussion -Uses bluetooth therefore information is transmitted to the smartphone almost instantaneously -Multiple shockboxes can be paired to a single phone making it easier for a coach to keep track of multiple players at once -Data gathered on the impacts can easily be shared with doctors and other medical professionals by using email

Disadvantages -There are still other methods of detecting possible concussions besides force of impact -Battery lasts only 125 hours and as a result athletes might forget to charge it rendering the device useless -Not 100% accurate, athletes can still experience a concussion even if the impact didn’t trigger a warning -Must be placed on a helmet, therefore it would only work for athletes who have to wear one -Would be more beneficial if it implemented additional ways to detect concussions (technological) -Must purchase a device for each player which can become very costly (financial)

What Makes Our Device More Marketable -Relies on a battery which would be tedious/hard to remember to replace Impact may not trigger warning, no other detection input in the device -Must be used inside of a helmet, if they don’t wear one during their sport/activity, it is useless


Advantages -Because it is a skullcap, it can be used with or without a helmet

Disadvantages -Concussions can still occur at a level where the impact doesn’t trigger the sensor -There are still other methods of detecting possible concussions besides force of impact -Depending on the impact, a light on the cap will either stay off, turn yellow or turn red. Thus athletes can hide whether there was an impact that probably caused a concussion or not by making sure their coach doesn’t see -Requires to be charged after every couple of hours -Would be more beneficial if it implemented additional ways to detect concussions (technological) -Must purchase a device for each player which can become very costly (financial)

Why Our Device Is More Marketable -Sensor may not trigger upon impact, no other detection system input in the device -Requires battery charge, which a lens would not

IP Position: Perform a patent search and describe existing patents related to your device/technology. A majority of the existing patents involve a device that is attached to the helmet of the player and detects how hard a blow hit them. This could be effective in letting you know that you’ve been hit pretty hard, but it doesn’t specifically tell you if you have a concussion or not (only if the blow was possibly hard enough to cause one). (#US9024770B2, Electronic Concussion Avoidance Module, David Reuben, 2013)

Using the information you have compiled, score the portions of the fundability worksheet listed below. Customer Validation (use a value of 1). 1 Competitors. 3 (there is no technology or patents with the same concept as our idea and there are only a few with similar concepts so our value proposition will easily displace any competition because it is unique and convenient) IP Position. 3 (only relevant patents released already are inserts for helmets that detect when someone has been hit, they don’t detect eye movement to see if someone has a concussion or not)

Resources: Institute of Medicine. “PROBLEMS IN DETECTING CONCUSSIONS.” Is Soccer Bad for Children's Heads? Summary of the IOM Workshop on Neuropsychological Consequences of Head Impact in

    Youth Soccer., U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2002,

Pogorelc, Deanna. “GE, NFL fund 5 emerging companies attempting a better test for

     concussion.” MedCity News, 29 Mar. 2017,
     Reuben, David . “US9024770B2 - Electronic football concussion avoidance training module.” Google Patents, Google, 2 Dec. 2013, 

Thomas, Biju. “Patent US20120223833 - Portable wireless personal head impact reporting system.” Google Patents, Google, 2012,

     BIRI. “What is a Concussion?” What is a Concussion? | Brain Injury Research Institute, Brain Injury Research Institute,

- “How-to” Videos: o How to cite different resources o How to use Boolean Operators to improve searches on Google and Google Scholar o How to search for News Articles on Lexis Nexis o Understanding and searching for Patents o How to find peer-reviewed journal articles

HW: Lab Report 1 (due 01/30/18 by 11:59PM on OpenWetWare) Grading Scheme: 50 points – See Rubric

50 points – Peer Assessment (through CATME)

Section 2

Sub-section 2-1

Sub-section 2-2

Section 3

Sub-section 3-1

Sub-section 3-2