BME100 s2018:Group3 W0800 L5

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Name: Maria Soldevila
Name: Camryn Garza
Role: In charge
Name: Maximo Gutierrez
Role: MCM
Name: Isaac Heath ;p
Role: Head of French Toast Operations


PCR Reaction Report

The pre-lab report was very helpful in understanding how a micropipettor is correctly used. It was important for the group to be able to use the pipettor correctly because they are easily broken and very expensive to replace. However, some of the members of our group had previous experience with micropipettors and the pre-lab was slightly repetitive for those members. The difference between the first and second stop is critical in ensuring accurate measurements with the micropipettors. The first stop is used to collect the solution initially, then the second stop is used to add an extra puff of air when expelling the solution to get all of the solution out. If the micropipettor was pushed to the second stop before the solution is collected then the volume in the micropipettor would be higher than the set volume. After the reaction, the eight tubes did not have noticeably different amounts of liquid in the tubes. This is most likely due to the preciseness of the micropipettor. However, after the solutions were transferred, it was found that two of the tubes had a very small amount of liquid left at the bottom. It was a very small amount and most likely equivalent to around 1 ul. When labeling the new tubes, the labeling scheme was kept the same in order to keep consistency within the lab. Overall, the team had a successful time pipetting the samples in the lab.

Fluorimeter Procedure

Imaging set-up
SmartPhone 1: Samsung Galaxy s7 Model
Optional SmartPhone 2: Iphone 7 Model

Use Camera menu to first: A. Inactivate the Flash B. Set ISO to 800 (or higher, if possible) C. Set white balance to auto D. Set exposure to highest setting E. Set saturation to the highest setting F. Set contrast to the lowest setting

A 160 microliter drop of water was placed in the middle of the first two rows of the slide using a pipettor and generated a ball-like shape. The excitation light using the switch for Blue LED and the camera of the selected smartphone with desired settings was then turned on. Afterward, the smartphone was placed in the provided cradle on its side at a right angle. The height of the fluorimeter was adjusted using the plastic trays so the camera would take a picture of the drop sideways. The distance between the smartphone on its cradle and the first two rows of the slide were adjusted to be as close as possible without making the camera unfocused (~4 cm), and the distance was recorded.

Placing Samples onto the Fluorimeter

  1. Obtain a tray of sample tubes from the instructors.
  2. Place an 80 microliter drop of SYBR GREEN 1 in the middle of the first two rows of the slide using a micropipette.
  3. Place 80 uL of the sample/calibration solution on top of the SYBR GREEN 1 drop
  4. Align the drop by moving the provided slide so that the blue LED light is focused by the drop to the middle of the black fiber optic fitting
  5. Place smartphone by the fluorimeter to view the drop in focus about 4 cm away.
  6. Cover smartphone with lightbox, but keep one flap open
  7. Make sure drop is focused again before pressing timer on smartphone
  8. Press timer button on the camera and lower flap before taking the focused picture
  9. Remove the 160 uL drop from the slide and discard liquid waste in hazardous waste container
  10. Move the slide to the next position (center of next two circles)
  11. Repeat above procedures until all five possible measurement positions on the slide have been used.

Data Collection and Analysis

Images of High, Low, and Zero Calf Thymus DNA

Calibrator Mean Values

Initial Concentration of 2X Calf Thymus DNA solution (micrograms/mL) Final DNA concentration in SYBR Green I solution (µg/mL) Sample Number RAWINTDEN DROP - BACKGROUND MEAN Standard Deviation
Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
5 2.5 C-1 21921981 25872960 22867624 23554188.33 2063028.527
2 1 C-2 35354939 37461648 32950117 35255568 2257406.463
1 0.5 C-3 25936842 27899199 27930166 27255402.33 1142011.713
0.5 0.25 C-4 2446493 24552349 26266262 17755034.67 13285253.49
0.25 0.125 C-5 15757539 27809168 28260823 23942510 7091989.196
0 0 C-6 -967417 5054019 -817917 1089561.667 3434134.392

Calibration curves

Images of Our PCR Negative and Positive Controls
Positive Control:
Negative Control:

PCR Results: PCR concentrations solved

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3
G3+ 32200998 32223113 32393667 32272592.67 105434.8801
G3- 1225862 19092342 16687908 12335370.67 9695937.955
G31-1 23766759 16591241 20521587 20293195.67 3593207.007
G31-2 10904910 10373246 10295179 10524445 331796.3627
G31-3 7490520 6933265 9730834 8051539.667 1480761.756
G32-1 17345036 17390382 18851566 17862328 857005.2103
G32-2 15701872 14114444 20157989 16658101.67 3133191.731
G32-3 20154600 12304431 16748398 16402476.33 3936500.309

TUBE LABEL MEAN (RAWINTDEN DROP- BG) "PCR Conc. (µg /mL) Total Dilution "Initial PCR Conc. (µg /mL)"
G3+ 3227259.7 -0.67727403 12 -8.12728836
G3- 12335370.7 0.23353707 12 2.80244484
G31-1 20293195.7 1.02931957 12 12.35183484
G31-2 10524445 0.0524445 12 0.629334
G31-3 8051539.67 -0.194846033 12 -2.338152396
G32-1 17862328 0.7862328 12 9.4347936
G32-2 16658101.7 0.66581017 12 7.98972204
G32-3 16402476.3 0.64024763 12 7.68297156

PCR Results: Summary

  • Our positive control PCR result was -8.127 μg/mL
  • Our negative control PCR result was 2.802 μg/mL

Observed results

  • Patient 69628: The photos for the drops for each patient were taken by a Samsung Galaxy S7 model camera app with the Selective Focus option in order to take the best resolution photos. The drops for G31-1 and G31-2 were clear and did not emit any fluorescence. The drop for G31-3 did have a subtle light-blue glow in the images from the LED. As for the qualitative aspect, two of the three calculations were more on the lower end of the spectrum which correlated with the negative control of 2.802 μg/mL. There was a slight fluctuation in the third calculation of about 12.35183484 μg/mL but could be due to experimental or human error from imaging. Since two out of the three results correlated most with the negative control it was concluded that the patient was negative for the disease SNP.
  • Patient 57443: The drops were the same oblate spheroid shape as the drops from the first tested patient. The drops for G32-1, G32-2, and G32-3 also were clear and did not emit any fluorescence. There was still a subtle light-blue fluorescence due to the light from the LED. Comparatively, the qualitative portion of the experiment resulted in a range of results that are similar in range; respectively, 9.4347936 μg/mL, 7.98972204 μg/mL, and 7.68297156 μg/mL. Though the calculations are larger compared to the results of patient 69628, they also correlated most with the negative control that was calculated. Based on the observed results, it was concluded that the patient was negative for the disease SNP.


Positive control: -8.127 μg/mL
Negative control: 2.802 μg/mL

  • Patient 69628: The results calculated from the derived images of 12.35183484 μg/mL, 0.629334 μg/mL, and -2.338152396 μg/mL were most closely related to the negative control of 2.802 μg/mL. Each of the calculations was most close to the negative control therefore based on the results of the replicates, the patient is most likely negative for disease SNP.
  • Patient 57443: The results calculated from the derived images of 9.4347936 μg/mL, 7.98972204 μg/mL, and 7.68297156 μg/mL were also most closely related to the negative control of 2.802 μg/mL. Each of the calculations was most close to the negative control therefore based on the results of the replicates, the patient is most likely negative for disease SNP.
