BISC220/S12: Assignments
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Graded Assignments
Lab Assigned | Lab Due | Assignment description |
Point Value (Total 200) |
Lab 1 | Lab 2 | RasMol/ClustalW | 10 |
Lab 2 | Lab 3 | Calculations from Lab 2 | 10 |
Lab 3 | Lab 4 | Calculations from Lab 3 | 15 |
Lab 4 | March 9 | β-galactosidase paper | 40 |
Lab 5 | Lab 6 | Yeast growth predictions/BLAST | 15 |
Lab 8 | Lab 9 | Yeast Secretory Pathway Paper | 45 |
Lab 10 | Lab 12 | Imaging Oral Presentations | 25 |
Lab 11 | May 4 | Apoptosis Partial Paper | 35 |
Other | "P" Points - Participation and Preparation | 5 |
Assignment Instructions
Assignment 1: RasMol/ClustalW Write-up
Assignment 2: Lab 2 Calculations
Assignment 3: Lab 3 Calculations
Science Writing and Figure Design β-galactosidase paper
Assignment 5: Yeast Growth Predictions/BLAST
Assignment 6: Yeast Secretory Paper
Assignment 7: Apoptosis Partial Paper
Assignment 8: Imaging Presentations