BISC220/S12: Assignment 7

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Wellesley College     BISC 220     Cellular Physiology

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Apoptosis Paper

How does apoptosis proceed in HL-60 cells treated with etoposide (VP-16)? Please include:

  1. Title
  2. Abstract
  3. Results including figures with proper legends and an appropriate accompanying narrative text that thoroughly analyzes the data in an attempt to answer the experimental question
  4. Discussion
  5. References

You may omit the introduction and materials and methods.

Remember that the written paper must be entirely your own and should focus on apoptosis triggered by etoposide in these cells - Why might this drug be an effective cancer treatment? What are the drawbacks to this type of treatment? The Abstract should contain a brief introductory/background statement, your experimental objective, the methods used, your results, and the significance of those results—all in a very condensed form. Use your experimental data to create pertinent figures. In your data analysis in results, be sure to do more than to merely describe the images or data: make sure you include a narrative flow that states the experimental objective, describes the methods used, and uses the data to answer to your experimental questions (if the data allow it). Include properly formatted legends for all figures and label specific structures on the images, where appropriate. The discussion should expand upon the conclusions from your data - comparing and contrasting it to what is already known and future directions you would take this study.

This partial report will be worth 35 points.


At or Above Standard Below Standard Points Earned
Title & Abstract 4-5 pts. Concisely summarized in appropriate format: topic, general outline of methods, major findings, & implications of the findings in relation to what is known or expected. 0-3 pts. Omitted key information; included tangential information or too much detail; misinterpreted information and/or implications. /5
Results 17-20 pts. Began with a transition that accurately and effectively described the goal of the experiments. Before launching into the data analysis, included a succinct & accurate description of the experimental design and general methods. Included all appropriate figures and/or tables designed for maximum clarity and ease of interpretation. All figures & tables were numbered & had correctly formatted legends; all sub-cellular structures were labeled. The narrative portion described accurately, clearly, and succinctly the major findings; appropriate conclusions were drawn and related to the goals stated in the abstract. 0-16 pts. Key figures and/or tables omitted. Photos chosen for figures were of poor quality or did not show important findings. Figures difficult to interpret because important structures were unlabeled or figures were missing information and/or of poor design. The narrative portion omitted key findings, described the data inaccurately or unclearly, included irrelevant information, or was repetitive. Conclusions not drawn or not related to stated experimental goals /20
Discussion/References 8-10 pts. Topic or experimental goals were reintroduced and main findings summarized. Significance of the findings was addressed and/or if hypothesis wasn’t supported, new research directions for increasing confidence in the conclusions were proposed. Paper ends with a clear and appropriate conclusion rather than just stopping. 0-7.5 pts. Experimental goals omitted. Summary of main findings omitted or incorrectly chosen. Significance of the finding not addressed or were not appropriate. If hypothesis was not supported by the experimental results, no plan for clarifying confidence in the findings was proposed or a plan would not be likely to resolve the weaknesses in the experiments previously performed. Missing or inappropriate conclusion. /10
Total 35