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Wellesley College-BISC 209 Microbiology -Spring 2012

Graded Lab Assignments

Lab Assigned Lab Due Assignment
Point Value
(Total 200)
1 2 Turn in at the beginning of Lab 2, a Discussion with References of how the enrichment culture techniques and media you will use will select soil bacteria of the specific groups we seek and differentiate them from other microbes in the community. Be sure to read the directions for this assignment found at: Assignment: Enrichment/Selection/Differentiation of Culturable Bacteria. 10
2 3 Write a draft Introduction section of your final paper that includes a discussion of the "Great Plate Count Anomaly". Be sure to read the full directions for this assignment found at: Lab 2 Assignment: Assignment: Introduction. 5
3 4 Compare your culture dependent and culture dependent estimations of the CFUs/gram of soil (dry wt) calculated in LAB 2 and think about the disparity. Construct a table (with properly formatted legend) of your experimental evidence for the abundance of microorganisms in your soil community (2.5 points). Write a draft results section (5 points). Consult the full directions for this assignment found at: Lab 3 Assignment: Colony Count vs. Direct Count Enumeration 7.5
4 5 Analyze your community level diversity and behavior data including the prevalence of microbial starch & cellulose digesters and phosphate solubilizers in the soil community and the carbon source utilization patterns and CMD measurement. Write a results section with figures/tables and narrative. Full directions and useful references for this assignment can be found at Lab 4 Assignment: BISC209/S12: Assignment_209_BIOLOG 10
5 6 M&M: Compose a draft of your Materials and Methods section of your final paper with the following three general sections:
1)Community level physiological testing: carbon source profiling, exoenzymes profiling;
2) Identification of bacteria by 16S rRNA gene sequencing;
3) Selection and isolation of soil community bacteria to pure culture.
More information can be found at Lab 5 Assignment: Materials & Methods
6 7 Write a brief summary of the theory behind the following techniques that we used to identify our bacterial species by molecular tools: polymerase chain amplification of the 16srRNA gene and DNA sequencing by the newer fluorescent-labeled ddNPTs chain -termination (Sanger) method. Directions found at: Lab 6 Assignment: Assignment: Theory Summary 10
7 8 Discussion Outline, Annotated Bibliography of appropriate references for the discussion section of your paper (5 points)
Graphical abstract draft (2.5 points): See models in research reports found in recent issues of the journal Cell. A description and examples of Graphical Abstracts can be found at [1]. More information on this assignment found at: Assignment: Annotated Bibliography/Graphical Abstract
8 9 Study for Lab practical
9 9 Lab practical 45
9 10 Write a draft results section of your work on your isolates. Construct a table of the tests performed on the isolates from your soil community (your isolates and your teammates from the same sampling site) and write a complete results narrative. You should include in the table: Gram stain, description of the colony morphology, description of the individual bacteria's structural characteristics including shape & arrangement (cocci, rods, with descriptors ie., large, small, bullet shaped, in chains, etc.), evidence of spores (either endospore stain positive or visualization of empty areas in vegetative cells on Gram stain), motility, etc. Include test results that you will use as evidence for metabolic diversity or community behavior, ie. nitrogen cycling capabilities, fermentation of mannitol, etc. Make separate figures from photographs of the interactions assays for your soil sample and another from a photo of a positive antibiotic production assay (if your soil sample showed such a positive) and analyze those data in your narrative. Post your table to the Data folder for each soil sampling site so your classmates can access and use this information for the other bacterial members of each soil community. 10
10 April 24 or 25 Final Paper: Information found at: Assignment: Final Paper 60
11 12 Lab notebook 5
11 12 Group Presentation
Note that the 15pt includes points of Individual Contribution to Group points--assigned by consensus of your presentation group. Information found in Resources in Sakai (folder Group Presentation) and in Lab 12 in the wiki at LAB12 | Group Presentation.
Other CLEAN-UP points 5


Lab 1 Assignment: Assignment: Enrichment/Selection/Differentiation of Culturable Bacteria
Lab 2 Assignment: Assignment: Introduction
Lab 3 Assignment: Lab 3 Assignment: Colony Count vs. Direct Count Enumeration
Lab 4 Assignment: BISC209/S12: Assignment_209_BIOLOG
Lab 5 Assignment: Assignment: Materials & Methods
Lab 6 Assignment: Assignment: Theory Summary
Lab 7 Assignment: Assignment: Annotated Bibliography/Graphical Abstract
Lab 10 Assignment: Assignment: Final Paper