Abhishek Tiwari:Visual Programming

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Visual Programming with KNIME


KNIME (http://www.knime.org/)is a modular data exploration platform that enables the user to visually create data flows (often referred to as pipelines), selectively execute some or all analysis steps, and later investigate the results through interactive views on data and models.KNIME base version already incorporates over 100 processing nodes for data I/O, preprocessing and cleansing, modelling, analysis and data mining as well as various interactive views, such as scatter plots, parallel coordinates and others. It includes all analysis modules of the well known Weka data mining environment ( http://www.cs.waikato.ac.nz/ml/weka/) and additional plugins allow R-scripts (www.r-project.org) to be run, offering access to a vast library of statistical routines.KNIME is based on the Eclipse platform and, through it's modular API, easily extensible.

Available Extensions:

   *     Standard Extensions
         o KNIME R Feature
         o KNIME Chemistry Feature
         o KNIME Data Mining (Weka) Feature
         o KNIME JFreeChart Feature
   *     Add-ons
         o KNIME Add-on Plugin
         o KNIME Mathematical Formula Plugin
         o KNIME External Tool Plugin
         o KNIME XLS Writer Plugin
   *     Experimental Extensions
         o KNIME Reporting (BIRT) Feature
         o KNIME Neighborgram Feature
   *      External Extensions
         o KNIME Python Scripting Feature (donated by Tripos)

  • Download latest version of KNIME from the http://www.knime.org/downloads.html
  • Then Run Software Update(Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install...)
  • OR use the KNIME update mechanism - go to File -> Update KNIME....
  • After installation interface look like below

Visual Programming with ORANGE

Orange is a component-based data mining software. It includes a range of preprocessing, modelling and data exploration techniques. It is based on C++ components, that are accessed either directly (not very common), through Python scripts (easier and better), or through GUI objects called Orange Widgets. Orange is distributed free under GPL and can be downloaded from the download page (http://www.ailab.si/orange/).

Visual Programming with Kepler

Kepler is based on the Ptolemy II system for heterogeneous, concurrent modeling and design. Ptolemy II was developed by the members of the Ptolemy project at UC Berkeley. Although not originally intended for scientific workflows, it provides a mature platform for building and executing workflows, and supports multiple models of computation.

Visual Programming with Pipeline Pilot

SciTegic develops enterprise informatics software for the scientific discovery and development industries. It has pioneered a technology called "Data Pipelining", widely used to process drug discovery data with unprecedented flexibility.

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