Abhishek Tiwari:Resources
Regular Sections
Hot Computational Biology Papers
Hot Computational Biology Papers is one of the most regular and sighted sections of my Open Wetware page. Section provides synopsis and comments on the selected article related to computaional biology. Readers are also invited to comment and modify the section.
Hot Computational Chemistry Papers
Section covers Computational Chemistry for Drug Discovery and Chemical Informatics.In drug discovery, effective use of computational chemistry shortens the development cycle for new drugs and provides pharmaceutical companies a competitive advantage with faster time to discovery and reduced costs.
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Highlighted Sections
- Applications of Workflow technology in Cheminformatics ,Bioinformatics and Drug Discovery
- Bioinformatics Toolkits
- Using SOAP/WSDL to access the Biological/Bioinformatics Databases
- Chemical Informatics or Cheminformatics Toolkits
- Spotfire based Analytic Solutions for Life Sciences Informatics
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