BISC209/S12: Lab12

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Wellesley College-BISC 209 Microbiology -Spring 2012

Presentations this week

Room TBA. Please make sure that you have emailed your groups' Powerpoint™ to yourself so we can access it in the classroom where we will have our presentations. Make sure to upload a copy to your drop box in Sakai, too.

Turn in your lab notebook to your instructor at the beginning of the lab period. She will notify you in an announcement in Sakai when your notebook is graded and ready for pick up. There is a grading rubric posted to Resources in Sakai.

Group Presentation
In LAB 12, teams of 3-4 students will prepare and present a 15-20 minute group oral presentation that is worth 15 points. Points awarded the group are based on an assessment of quality of the presentation, judged by the class and by your instructor. You will also evaluate the quality and level of participation of each of your teammates for an individual component of the grade. The penalty for under-participation can be up to 6 points deducted from the 15 point total. The individual grade is determined by the consensus of your teammates on each member's contribution. Grading rubrics will be provided. You will also be provided with links and handouts of helpful information about making an oral presentation. The Resources section of the wiki contains a tip sheet prepared by PLTC peer-tutors about how to give an effective oral presentation. We will not do these presentations in the lab but in a room TBA.

The Theme of our Presentations this year is Methods of Identification of Microorganisms

Culture Based Batteries of Physical and Metabolic Characteristics (Traditional Microbiology)
Analysis of cellular fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) by gas chromatography
Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE)
Genotype Based Methods:
16s rRNA or rpoB gene or Multilocus sequence typing (MLST) by Sanger or 454 Pyrosequencing
Repetitive sequence-based PCR (rep-PCR)
Culture Independent DNA Hybridization (Microarray)
Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionisation Time-Of-Flight (MaldiTof MS)

Congratulations on completing microbiology lab!