User:Rachel Gill/Notebook/Chem 681 2018/2018/10/03

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New pieces of tubing and connectors to work with. Need to re-create set up so that we are using the new pieces.

Lab Protocol


  • syringe connector: female lure thread style to 200 series bard, 1/16" (1.6 mm) ID tubing
  • tube connectors: t-connectors 1/16" ID
  • tube connectors for PVA/gulteraldehye mixing: y-connector 1/16" ID
  • tubing for everything: tygon IN 1/16"
  • Image below shows this new set-up that was constructed. Tubing lengths were kept the same as well as rates from previous entry.


  • PVA pumping too slow, could be cause of clog previously. Have that syringe on grey pump moving 0.1 ml/min.
  • Put gluteraldehyde into ethylacetate pump to save on space and make pumping easier, but PVA is backing up towards syringe.
  • Looking at other rates: RCS Adv. 2014, 4, 46536; used 0.1 mL/min discontinuous (for us PVA) and 200 mL/hour continuous (for us ethylacetate).
  • Moved ethylacetate into 60 mL syringe and changed rate to 5 mL/min and PVA to 0.1 mL/min
  • Added coloring to PVA to locate beads in tubing more easily.
  • PVA too viscous so diluted it by doubling volume with 10% HCl.
  • Change flow rate again to 0.09 mL/min for PVA and 3 mL/min for ethylacetate.


  • Final change to flow rate seemed to work best.