User:Patrick Hampson/Notebook/chem471/2016/11/09

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Fluorescence pH 10

Preparation of UV-VIS samples for next class

Fructose concentrations of: [0.0625 mM] [0.5 mM] [1.25 mM] pHs 4-12 done for samples of all three concentrations.

The graph above displays the flourescence emission intensity over time. There is an initial increase, until around 1500seconds, where a plateau is held right around 425 nm for the remainder of the run.

The graph above displays integrated intensity over time. There is an increase until about 2000 seconds, where it peaks at approximately 9000. It then decreases to just under 8000 in the time to 6000 seconds, where it remains for the duration of the experiment.

The graph above is the emission intensity over time for our 0-900 second scans. As we have seen in previous trials, this is where largest change in emission intensity occurs around our wavelength of interest. The emission intensity jumps from approximately 10 to over 30 in the 900 seconds span. There also appears to be a minor shift to the right as the experiment went on.

The graph above is the emission intensity over time for our 1080-4500 second scans. Change in emission intensity around the peak has decreased, but the peak is not as refined as it is in the 4680-10800 graph.

The graph above is the emission intensity over time for our 4680-10800 second scans. This graph displays that there is minimal changes in the emission intensity in the area of our interest. The peak has become more refined through the course of our run, as well as through the extended inclusion of scans.