User:Patrick Hampson/Notebook/chem471/2016/09/21

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UV-Vis 2016921

Solution Preparation

Stock Solutions:

  1. 14.8 mM Fructose
  2. 49.1 mM BSA
  3. 3.73 mM Au
  4. 1mM HCL
  5. 1mM NaOH
  6. 1M NaOH
0.75 mM Fructose
pH μL of 1 mM HClstock μL of 1 mM NaOHstock μL of 1 M NaOHstock μL of AuCl3stock μL of Fructosestock μL of BSAstock μL of Water
4 500 0 0 335 253 316 3596
5 50 0 0 335 253 316 4046
6 5 0 0 335 253 316 4091
7 0 0 0 335 253 316 4096
8 0 5 0 335 253 316 4091
9 0 50 0 335 253 316 4046
10 0 500 0 335 253 316 3596
11 0 0 5 335 253 316 4091
12 0 0 50 335 253 316 4046

1.25 mM Fructose
pH μL of 1 mM HClstock μL of 1 mM NaOHstock μL of 1 M NaOHstock μL of AuCl3stock μL of Fructosestock μL of BSAstock μL of Water
4 500 0 0 335 422 316 3427
5 50 0 0 335 422 316 3877
6 5 0 0 335 422 316 3922
7 0 0 0 335 422 316 3927
8 0 5 0 335 422 316 3922
9 0 50 0 335 422 316 3877
10 0 500 0 335 422 316 3427
11 0 0 5 335 422 316 3922
12 0 0 50 335 422 316 3877

After samples were prepared, they were placed in the thermooven at 80 degrees Celsius for four hours.


The graph above displays the absorbance of 0.75 mM Fructose samples of pH 4-12 across the 200 nm to 800 nm range.

The chart above shows the absorbance of 0.75 mM Fructose samples of pH4-12 at 530 nm.

The graph above displays the absorbance of 1.25 mM Fructose samples of pH 4-12 across the 200 nm to 800 nm range.

The chart above shows the absorbance of 1.25 mM Fructose samples of pH4-12 at 530 nm.


As previously seen, the samples of pH 11 and 12 were clear. As expected, they had significantly lower absorbance.